American Nuclear Society Name of Division/TG Presentation to the ANS Board of Directors Presenter Date and Place\
Division/TG Mission
Division/TG Governance Officers/Executive Committee (Include BOD Liaison)
Division/TG Governance Address Metrics for Governance Bylaws & Rules Status (update to standard Div B&R guidelines and submitted/approved?) Strategic Planning Status (last update to Div 1- and 5-yr plans) –Identify specific ANS Strategic Plan goals/objectives which the Division supports Communication: website (cite url) and newsletter status (available at website?)
Division Membership Trend
Division Membership
Division Finances Meetings are an important part of metrics Highlight successful meetings and upcoming meetings by category: Class I and II; Class III; Class IV Also highlight important sessions at current National Meeting Emphasize any Tutorials or Prof. Development sessions
Division Finances Highlight expense items that are metrics for contributions to members: Scholarships (even if no new expenses, cite endowed scholarship and current recipient); Honors/Awards and current recipients; Student support (travel and/or student conference) Website is metric for Communications
Division Contributions to Society Standards* Position Statements* Affiliations with other technical organizations*
Summary List Areas of Success Focus for Future Action Any requests/info for the BOD/officers
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