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Terminology for 100 Push the Space Bar to check your answer. German economic union that dissolved tariffs between German states. What is Zollverein?
Terminology for 200 Push the Space Bar to check your answer. What is A Chancellor ? Highest official of a monarch of Prussia.
Terminology for 300 Push the Space Bar to check your answer. Realistic politics based on the needs of the state. What is Realpolitik?
Terminology for 400 Push the Space Bar to check your answer. Empire was considered by German’s to be the second coming of the Holy Roman Empire. What is a Reich?
Upper house, appointed by rulers of the various German states… basically noblemen. Push the Space Bar to check your answer. What is the Bundesrat? Terminology for 500Terminology for 500Terminology for 500Terminology for 500 Terminology for 500Terminology for 500Terminology for 500Terminology for 500
People for 100 Push the Space Bar to check your answer. Came from noble family in Prussia. Was loyal servant of Prussia. Became Prime Minister of Prussia and then eventually became chancellor Who is Otto Von Bismark?
People for 200 Push the Space Bar to check your answer. He was convinced to take on the title of Kaiser (King) of Germany. Who is William I? Who is William I ?
People for 300 Push the Space Bar to check your answer. Who is Kaiser Wilhelm (William) II? Succeeded his grandfather as Kaiser (King) of Germany.
People for 400 Push the Space Bar to check your answer. He Founded “young Italy.” Who is Guiseppe Mazzini ?
People for 500 Push the Space Bar to check your answer. He is a constitutional monarch – King whose power is limited by a constitution. Who is King Victor Emmanuel II ?
Get some points for 100 Push the Space Bar to check your answer. Which is correct spelling? Neither Both are. Tsar Czar
Get some points for 200 Push the Space Bar to check your answer. Freeing of the serfs. Emancipation
Get some points for 300 Push the Space Bar to check your answer. Kulturkapmf. Kulturkampf is the correct spelling Reichstag kulturkapmf Chancellor Realpolitik Bundesrat Which is spelled WRONG?
Get some points for 400 Push the Space Bar to check your answer. Name a goal of the iron chancellor. Goals: Keep France weak and isolated Build strong relations with Austria and Russia Erase opposition to the imperial state Catholic Church and Socialist party were targets
Get some points for 500 Push the Space Bar to check your answer. The new empire called Austria-Hungary. Dual Monarchy
Pictures for 100 Push the Space Bar to check your answer. What is the missing word? (No need to answer in a question). Nationalism
Pictures for 200 Push the Space Bar to check your answer. Otto Von Bismark Who is this (no need to answer in a question).
Pictures for 300 Push the Space Bar to check your answer. b) Bundesrat What is this: a) Reichstag b) Bundesrat c) kulturkampf d) Zemstvos
Pictures for 400 Push the Space Bar to check your answer. Francis Joseph Who is this (no need to answer in a question).
Pictures for 500 Push the Space Bar to check your answer. The Trans- Siberian Railroad in the Early 20 th Century What is this (no need to answer in a question).
Potpourri for 100 Push the Space Bar to check your answer. Violent mob attacks on Jewish people. Pogroms
Potpourri for 200 Push the Space Bar to check your answer. Jan 22, Hundreds of men and women were shot dead as they protested. Bloody Sunday
Potpourri for 300 Push the Space Bar to check your answer. Elected national legislature Duma
Potpourri for 400 Push the Space Bar to check your answer. This word was banned from even being spoken or written about. constitution
Potpourri for 500 Push the Space Bar to check your answer. Southeastern European area made up of countries such as Greece, Serbia, Turkey etc… Balkans
Terminology Topic
This group of elected assemblies in local government are responsible for schools, roads, agriculture etc.. Zemstvos