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Presentation transcript:

Jeopardy Review! Chapter 5

$200 $400 $500 $1000 $100 $200 $400 $500 $1000 $100 $200 $400 $500 $1000 $100 $200 $400 $500 $1000 $100 $200 $400 $500 $1000 $100CommunionofSaintsForgivenessofSinsEschatologyMaryPotpourri

The unity in Christ of all those He has redeemed- the Church on earth, in heaven and in purgatory.

What is the Communion of Saints?

The state of purification that takes place after death for those who need to be made clean and holy before meeting the all-holy God in heaven.

What is purgatory?

She is the greatest Saint.

Who is Mary, the Mother of God?

The supreme way to keep alive a relationship with our Christian brothers and sisters.

What is through prayer?

In the communion of saints, these three groups of people are found in union.

What are -the pilgrim Church; -the Church suffering; and -the Church triumphant.

The prideful disobedience of Adam & Eve and the effects of this disobedience that all humans inherit.

What is original sin?

An act, word or desire contrary to eternal law.

What is actual sin?

Actual sin that weakens and wounds our relationship with God, but does not destroy divine life in our souls.

What is venial sin?

The primary sacrament of forgiveness because it wipes away sin and unites us to Christ Jesus.

What is Baptism?

Three criteria that must be present to sin mortally.

What are -grave matter; -sufficient reflection; and -full consent of the will.

The Christian belief that when Christ comes again, He will reunite the bodies of every human with their souls.

What is resurrection of the body?

The individual’s judgment immediately after death, when Christ will rule on one’s eternal destiny to be spent in heaven or in hell.

What is particular judgment?

Seeing God “face-to-face” in heaven, the source of our eternal happiness; final union with the Triune God for all eternity.

What is beatific vision?

Jesus Christ’s judgment of the living and the dead on the last day when he comes to establish God’s kingdom fully.

What is last (general) judgment?

Most important quality of the resurrected body.

What is immortality?

From the first moment of her conception, Mary was preserved from original sin.

What is Immaculate Conception?

The Church dogma that teaches that the Blessed Mother, because of her unique role in her Son’s Resurrection, was taken directly to heaven when her earthly life was over.

What is the Assumption?

Mary remained this “before, in and after” the birth of the Lord.

What is ever-virgin?

Theo-tokos, this title for Mary is supreme to any of her other titles.

What is Mary, Mother of God?

Mary is the new Eve who cooperated fully with the Holy Spirit to bring Christ into the world and people to Christ.

What is Mary, Mother of the Church?

The current Pope.

Who is Pope Benedict XVI?

The theological virtues.

What are faith, hope and love.

The books found in the Pentateuch.

What are Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers and Deuteronomy?

Number of books found in the canon of the Catholic Bible.

What is 73?

The cardinal virtues.

What are prudence, justice, temperance and fortitude?

Final Jeopardy Answer The last word in the Bible.

What is amen?