Orange Fizz Bomb By Leah Dring, Isabelle Cripps, Grace Johnston and Isabelle Goater
Our target market. Our product is targeted for teenagers and to anyone who likes fizzy drinks.
Prices The price of our Orange Fizz Bomb drink is £1.00. We chose this price because it is quick and easy to get out you purse and you would not get any loose change to carry around. We have also compared our prices to other websites and thought this was a reasonable price for 500ml.
The ingredients. Our drink will be fizzy, tangy and full of flavour. It will also contain 5 whole oranges and will be low in sugar, so it wont be unhealthy. There are no artificial colours or flavours in our drink.
Why you should buy our drink? You should buy our drink because it keeps you refreshed in all seasons and it will keep you going all day. Our drink is packed with vitamins and minerals.
Design The label on our drink is a bright blue to help attract our target market. There will be a clear bottle.