Debt dilemmas Curriculum links Covers many aspects of Functional Maths / adult numeracy including money and negative numbers. February Kindly contributed by Carrie Bray. Leeds City College. Search for Carrie on and visit the download page for this resource to find further links and related resources. This PPT accompanies and introduces a budget sheet activity. A discussion prompt sheet is also available. February Kindly contributed by Carrie Bray. Leeds City College. Search for Carrie on and visit the download page for this resource to find further links and related resources. This PPT accompanies and introduces a budget sheet activity. A discussion prompt sheet is also available.
Warm up: What bills do people have to pay?
Today you will: Recognise who is at risk of debt and how to avoid it Use negative numbers in money Add and subtract money
Save £10 How? Where? Which bills can you change, which ones can’t you change?