Reliability Redispatch Pilot Presentation for NIPPC June 13, 2007 Term of Pilot 6/26/07 through 9/30/07
Project Status Software Development complete Hardware environments configured and operational Dispatch and scheduling procedure changes documented Dispatch, scheduling and bidder training underway Pilot agreement nearing completion
Bid Tool Overview Redispatch Bid Content Generator Day and Hour ending Quantity (MW) available within 10 min. Price per MWh Increase (INC) and/or Decrease (DEC)
Bid Validation Rules INC Only Bid DEC Only Bid INC and DEC Bid Neither – Zero Bid INC Bid includes INC MW & INC Price DEC Bid includes DEC MW & DEC Price Bid Data
Bid Validation Rules Whole # > Zero Not exceeding Generator’s established Maximum INC/DEC MW amount. Not less than Generator’s established Minimum INC/DEC MW amount. Megawatts
Bid Validation Rules Positive U.S. currency value per MWh Not exceeding established Maximum INC/DEC Bid Price Limit. ($400) Not less than established Minimum INC/DEC Bid Price Limit. ($0) Price
Submitting a Bid Submitted or changed up to 20 minutes prior to flow hour. No further into the future than 5 days. (Day +5)
Bid Tool Demonstration
Calculate Redispatch Background
Simplified RRP Map
Introduction A generator’s impact on a flowgate is measured by its Power Transfer Distribution Factor or PTDF. PTDF is also known as Path Utilization Factor (PUF) and Transmission Loading Relief (TLR).
Introduction cont. The PTDF is the ratio impact to the loading on a specific flowgate based on an increase (INC) at the generator and a like decrease (DEC) at a reference bus (Grand Coulee for our studies). A positive PTDF will increase the loading. A negative PTDF will decrease the loading and provide relief.
Reference Bus PUFs are zero Generators South of Allston North of Hanfo rd North of John Day Paul- Allsto n CARCarmen CHJChief Joseph CHPChehalis CNTCentralia GCLGrand Coulee HPPHermiston JDAJohn Day LANLancaster TDAThe Dalles zBONBonneville zFRDFredrickson zGECGoldendale zHMJHM Jackson zKBCKimberly Clark zKFGKlamath Falls Gen zLVFLongview Fiber zMCNMcNary Flowgates Flowgates and PTDFs/PUFs
Redispatch To relieve the loading on the path, we find the pairs of generators that will provide relief. We look for combinations of INC generator and DEC generators with a combined PTDF that is negative. The combined PTDF is the INC PTDF – DEC PTDF. Numbers closer to -1.0 are more effective. DECCNTCHPCHJGCL INCP-A CAR GCL JDA TDA
Single Redispatch Pair Redispatch: 35 MW JDA-CNT Impact: 35*-0.508= MW
Redispatch Solution To get more relief, redispatch more pairs of generators. Since a single generator could be involved in multiple pairs, the amounts are summed and each generator is called once.
Calculate Redispatch 35-MW Paul-Allston Example