Ethical and Legal Technology Use By: Ashley Zickefoose
What does the law of copyright do? Protects authors of original works (artists, writers, singers, playwrights, etc.) Original authors have the right to reproduce, perform or display the work, as well as hand out copies
Conditions of Copyright public domain: work belonging to the public as a whole-- government documents and works, works with an expired copyright or no existing protection, and works published over 75 years ago Permission: prior approval for the proposed use by the copyright owner legal exception: use constitutes an exemption to copyright protection fair use: use for educational purposes according to certain restrictions
Fair Use Allows use of copyrighted materials for educational purposes: - criticism and comment - news reporting - teaching - scholarship - research
What can be copied A book chapter. An article from a periodical or newspaper. One short story, essay, or poem from an anthology or work. A chart, graph, diagram, drawing, or photograph Poetry ( 250 words or less ) Prose ( 2,500 words or less, excerpts up to 1,000 words or 10 percent of the total work) Illustrations
Internet Guidelines for Fair Use Credit the source (of any idea, fact, work that is not your own) Follow any guidelines which may exist according to the author Ask the owner of the copyright for permission and keep a copy of the request for permission and the actual permission for use
When will you need permission? When you want to use the project for non- educational or commercial purposes Duplicate more than two copies Plan to distribute the project further than what the guidelines allow you to do