A special class of verbs consists of verbs used only impersonally, These on have three forms: the Third Person Singular the Infinitive the Gerund So, for example, licet, it is allowed. Infin. licere, licuisse, liciturum esse
The following verbs are always, or usually, Impersonal: decet, it is fitting libet, it is pleasing licet, it is permitted pudet, it shames miseret, it excites pity taedet, it disgusts oportet, it is necessary
Many verbs are used impersonally only in certain senses EXAMPLES INCLUDE: placet, it pleases, is decided, accidit. it happens.
The Passive of intransitive verbs can be used only impersonally EXAMPLES INCLUDE: itur, there is a going/someone goes, curritur, there is a running/someone runs.