Bullying and attitudes to bullying Learning aim: To understand different types of bullying and non religious attitudes to bullying.
Bullying and non religious attitudes to bullying Tasks 1)In pairs brain storm a) different types of bullying that might occur b) the effects/signs that someone might display if they are being bullied. 2)Use p65 to help you write a definition for the term bullying. 3)Using p66 Explain why society as a whole disapproves of bullying (make at least three points)
Bullying and non religious attitudes to bullying 4) After Luke Walmsley was stabbed in school the government has called for tighter security in school. What measures do you think schools should take to prevent serious bullying taking place? Try to come up with at least 3-4 points or ideas. Home Work National anti bullying week is approaching. Our school is taking place in a national anti bullying poster design competition. For a home learning task you should design a anti bullying poster. The best ones will be entered.