Pronouns ~ Person 1st person is the speaker. (I, me, we, us) 2nd person is the person spoken to (you) 3rd person is the person spoken about (he, she, it, him, her, they, them)
Pronouns ~ Number Singular pronouns stand for 1 person, place, or thing. I, me, you, he, she, him, her, it Plural pronouns stand for more than 1 person, place, or thing. * we, you, us, they, them
Pronouns ~ Gender Masculine = male or boy He, his Feminine = female or girl She, her Neuter = an object that is neither male or female it
Compound Personal Pronouns These pronouns end in –self or –selves. SingularPlural 1 st person myselfourselves 2 nd personyourselfyourselves 3 rd person himself, herself themselves itself
Nominative Case Pronouns Subject Pronouns are pronouns used as the subject of a verb. Singular Plural 1 st person I we 2 nd person you you 3 rd person he,she,it they
Nominative Case Pronouns Subject Complements a pronouns that follows a linking verb and refers back to the subject. S LV SC Ex. The best car washers were they.