PUSH FACTORS Religious persecution Oppressive (mean) governments No jobs Overcrowding Loss of jobs due to new machines Lack of land Lack of food (potato famine in Ireland)
PULL FACTORS Promise of jobs Promise of money Free land Freedom of religion adventure Come to America ! It’s GREAT!
How did immigrants find out about America? Friends Family ADVERTISEMENTS America sounds wonderful…I gotta go!!!
Describe steerage class cheapest ticket stayed at the bottom of the boat dirty rotten or gross food Sickness crowded We’re down here! How much longer?
What was Ellis Island and who came through there? Immigration processing center Immigrants from Europe came through this and other east coast ports
What was Angel Island and who came through there? Immigration processing center Immigrants from Asia came through this
Describe what happened when an immigrant entered Ellis Island? Wait in a long line Register Medical exam Literacy test (Can you read?)
What is a ghetto? *neighborhood where people of the same ethnic background live together Example: China Town Benefits (the good things)-got help from people who know you, speak your language, eat the same foods, have same religion, share news
What is a tenement building? Run down apartment building
Who helped out immigrants? Political boss (gave jobs for votes) Settlement Houses (Hull House) Salvation Army YMCA Red Cross