water.europa.eu Watch List of potential priority substances – estimation of monitoring costs (draft) Working Group E Chemical Aspects March 2011 Jorge Rodriguez Romero Helen Clayton WFD Team DG Environment
water.europa.eu 2 Contents 1.Costs of sampling 2.Costs of analysis 3.Estimation of average costs
water.europa.eu 3 Sampling unit costs – water Estimated averageMinMaxPlease explain what is included in the unit costs you have given, and identify the main sources of the differences (between min. and max.) (max 5000 characters) (Euros) What is the average unit cost per sample of total water? AT504065Price includes sampling, filtration and the measurement of pH, O2 and conductivity BE-F difference in min and max: distance to sampling point and amount of monitoring points in one route, cost incl. overhead BE-W CY included is labour cost and consumables, not included is travel cost (from and to sampling sites). the cost refers to rivers and reservoirs only. differences between minimum and maximum costs are due to differences in water body type (river or reservoir), to the remoteness of the site, if the site can be combined with a neighbouring site the same day, etc. Estimated avg. cost per river sample is 120 EUR and per reservoir sample 290 EUR CZ17,7Total price for priority substances (EXCLUDED FROM AVERAGE BELOW) DE DK61Fixed price per sample. ES HU57Drive to te sampling spot, sampling, sample transport and storage IT ship hire + n. of techniques (1or 2) LT The price is for sampling in the Curonian Lagoon (min) and in the Baltic Sea (max) LT-2 LV sampling, sample pretreatment, storage, transportation; the sources of differences - the distance to the sampling site NL PL PT60It includes transport costs and sampling material. RO28,51740 The cost of sampling includes the transport till/from the sampling site, costs for preservation, costs for sampling devices, costs for staff; the main sources of the differences are the costs coming from distances till sampling points. SE Sampling cost includes personel costs, equipment, transport and cost of sampling vessels, ranging from small rowing boats, ocean going survey vessels to helicopters. SI SK0,83610price of sampling 2 l of total water sample (EXCLUDED FROM AVERAGE BELOW) NO EE251830transport, salary, handling of sample, sampling devices MEAN P P P
water.europa.eu 4 Sampling unit costs – water dissolved Estimated averageMinMaxPlease explain what is included in the unit costs you have given, and identify the main sources of the differences (between min. and max.) (max 5000 characters) (Euros) What is the average unit cost per sample of dissolved water? ATsee sampling total water BE-F cost of sampling incl. dissolved metals only (not the other priority substances) - difference in min and max: distance to sampling point; cost incl. overhead BE-W CY CZ23,55 Total price for sampling of priority substances including fitlration of metals Pb, Cd, Hg, Ni. (EXCLUDED FROM AVERAGE BELOW) DE DK ES HUThere are no such samplings done IT ship hire + n. of techniques (1or 2) LT The price is for sampling in the Curonian Lagoon (min) and in the Baltic Sea (max) LT-2 LV sampling, sample pretreatment, storage, transportation; the sources of differences - the distance to the sampling site NL PL PT60It includes transport costs and sampling material. RO The cost of sampling and filtration of the sample (the dissolved water analysis is processed as a difference between the total water and the filtered water analysis, the work of the experts, besides the above mentioned issues. SE Sampling cost includes personel costs, equipment, transport and cost of sampling vessels, ranging from small rowing boats, ocean going survey vessels to helicopters. SI SK10, price of sampling and filtration of dissolve water sample (EXCLUDED FROM AVERAGE BELOW) NO EE302535transport, salary, handling of sample, sampling devices MEAN P P P
water.europa.eu 5 Sampling unit costs – biota Estimated averageMinMaxPlease explain what is included in the unit costs you have given, and identify the main sources of the differences (between min. and max.) (max 5000 characters) (Euros) What is the average unit cost per sample of biota? AT Prices are for sampling of fish - the price differences are based on the type of river (small or big, high occurrence of fish..) BE-Fnot available BE-W CY CZ78,4Total price for priority substances. (EXCLUDED FROM AVERAGE BELOW) DE DK Collecting of fish and mussels for one test. ES HUThere are no such samplings done IT ship hire + n. of scuba diver (1 or 2)/n. of researchers (1 or 2) LT The price is for sampling in the Curonian Lagoon (min) and in the Baltic Sea (max) LT-2 LV sampling, sample pretreatment, storage, transportation; the sources of differences - the distance to the sampling site, weather conditions NL PL PT100It includes transport costs and sampling material. ROnot yet analysed in normal monitoring; too big financial burden and too little available staff SE Sampling cost includes personel costs, equipment, transport and cost of sampling vessels, ranging from small rowing boats to ocean going survey vessels. SI SK the price of biota is cummulated with sampling of benthic invertebrates or water macrophytes to save time and money NO EE transport, salary, handling of sample, sampling devices MEAN P P P
water.europa.eu 6 Sampling unit costs – sediment Estimated average MinMaxPlease explain what is included in the unit costs you have given, and identify the main sources of the differences (between min. and max.) (max 5000 characters) (Euros) What is the average unit cost per sample of sediment? AT BE-F difference in min and max: use of boat or not, distance to sampling point and probably difficulties to reach the sampling point; cost incl. overhead BE-W CY CZ23,53Total price for priority substances (EXCLUDED FROM AVERAGE BELOW) DE DK ES HUThere are no such samplings done IT ship hire + n. of techniques (1or 2) LT The price is for sampling in the Curonian Lagoon (min) and in the Baltic Sea (max) LT-2 LV sampling, sample pretreatment, storage, transportation; the sources of differences - the distance to the sampling site, weather conditions, site characteristics (the depth, sediment structure) NL PL PT100It includes transport costs and sampling material. ROnot yet analysed in normal monitoring; not regulated as obligations SE Sampling cost includes personel costs, equipment, transport and cost of sampling vessels, ranging from small rowing boats, ocean going survey vessels to helicopters SI SK monitoring of sediments is also ussually cummulated with sampling of benthic invertebrates or water macrophytes to save time and money NO EE transport, salary, handling of sample, sampling devices MEAN P P P
water.europa.eu 7 Analysis unit costs – water total Estimated average MinMaxPlease explain what is included in the unit costs you have given, and identify the main sources of the differences (between min. and max.) (max 5000 characters) (Euros) What is the average unit cost per priority substance of an analysis in total water? AT Cost are per substance - The great differences are based on the analysed compound, quite expensive are TBT (LOQ 0,2 ng/L) Nonylphenol (LOQ0,02 µg/l) BE-F related to the amount of analyses of organic compounds (excl. PBDE and C10-C13 chloroalkanes); cost incl. VAT (21%) BE-W CY The estimate average cost covers the analysis of one sample for approximatelly 26 priority substances. The unit price per PS lies between euros (AVERAGE REPLACED BY THE AVERAGE OF THESE LATTER TWO FIGURES) CZ27 Analysis of rpirity substances without tributyltin and C (GIVEN FIGURE OF 847 DIVIDED BY 31) DE DK Estimated cost for analysis in: total water, dissolved water, biota and sediment. Calculation of the cost unit per priority substance is based on the cost unit of analysing groups of substances. The cost unit per priority substance is therefore estimated to be higher. ES HU12 All the analyses except for those mentioned in row 2 of this table (GIVEN FIGURE OF 380 DIVIDED BY 30) IT LT The price is for Hg, Cd (min), organochlorine pesticides (max) LT The price is for metals (11) (min) and organic compounds (VOC, PAH, phtalates, alkylphenols, PCP, TBT, pesticides) (max) LV Sample treatment in the lab, analyses, QA/QC, processing of testing results, reporting. Costs are estimated for all substances indicated in previous tables, excluding 4 metals. The average cost is estimated assuming substances under No 9a (Cyclodiene pesticides) and also under No28 (PAH's) each as one substance. Min and Max characterizes differences in costs per analysis of a specific substance and depends on determinand and analytical technique used NL PL PT Estimated average is the average unit cost of 33+8 substances analysed in water with low suspendes matter; "Min" is the unit cost of Nikel analysis (the substance with lower cost) in water with low suspended matter; "Max" is the cost of pesticides or PAH( the higher cost among the 41 substances) analysis in water with high suspended matter, including destruction of organic matter. RO The cost of analysis includes the sample preparation, samples storage, maintenance of the equipments, procurement of CRMs SE Unit costs is calculated from a total sum price for all priority substances in one sample of water/biota/sediment, respectively, and then divided by 41. Min respresents the cheapest laboratory; Max the most expensive one. A currency rate 1 Euro = 9,6 Sweden kronor is used.. SI SK synthetic priority substances (GIVEN FIGURE OF 906 DIVIDED BY 30) NO EE MEAN P P161,25116, P
water.europa.eu 8 Analysis unit costs – water dissolved Estimated average MinMaxPlease explain what is included in the unit costs you have given, and identify the main sources of the differences (between min. and max.) (max 5000 characters) (Euros) What is the average unit cost per priority substance of an analysis in dissolved water? AT26 Metals - price includes analysis of all metals as following (dissolved and total) Aluminium (LOQ 10 µg/l) Arsen (LOQ 1µg/l) Lead (LOQ 1 µg/l) Cadmium (LOQ 0,2 µg/l) Chrom (CrIII + CrVI) (LOQ 1 µg/l) Iron (LOQ 0,01 mg/l) Copper (LOQ 1 µg/l) Manganese (LOQ 0,01 mg/l) Nickel (LOQ 1 µg/l) Mercury (0,1 µg/l) Zinc (LOQ 1 µg/l) BE-F31,757,540 related to the amount of analyses of heavy metals, cost incl. VAT (21%) (no data on costs for organic compounds in dissolved water) BE-W CY CZ902Analysis of rpirity substances without tributyltin and C DE DK Estimated cost for analysis in: total water, dissolved water, biota and sediment. Calculation of the cost unit per priority substance is based on the cost unit of analysing groups of substances. The cost unit per priority substance is therefore estimated to be higher. ES HUThere are no such analyses done IT LT The price of filters is added, but there is a risk for contamination, thus high attention should be payed to avoid it. LT The price is for metals (11) (min) and organic compounds (VOC, PAH, phtalates, alkylphenols, PCP, TBT) (max). The price of membrane filters is added to the costs of metals analyses LV7610 Sample treatment in the lab, analyses, QA/QC, processing of testing results, reporting. Costs are estimated only for metals (4). Min and max depends on analytical technique used for analysis of a specific metal. NL PL PT Estimated average and "Min" is the same as previous, but including sample filtration. "Max" is the the cost of pesticides or PAH analysis, including sample filtration. RO502575similar as above, with some more working time need. SE SI SK444048non syntethic priority substances NO EE MEAN P P17072,5260,5 50P534075
water.europa.eu 9 Analysis unit costs – biota Estimated average MinMaxPlease explain what is included in the unit costs you have given, and identify the main sources of the differences (between min. and max.) (max 5000 characters) (Euros) What is the average unit cost per priority substance of an analysis in biota? AT BE-Fno monitoring yet BE-W CY CZ187Analysis of PAH, metals, DEHP, DDT, p,p´ DDT, HCB, HCH. (GIVEN FIGURE OF 1313 DIVIDED BY 7) DE DK Estimated cost for analysis in: total water, dissolved water, biota and sediment. Calculation of the cost unit per priority substance is based on the cost unit of analysing groups of substances. The cost unit per priority substance is therefore estimated to be higher. ES HUThere are no such analyses done IT LT Sample preparation (biota) cost has been added. LT-264 The price is for metals (10) LV Sample treatment in the lab, analyses, QA/QC, processing of testing results, reporting. The average cost is estimated in regard to 3 priority substances for wich EQS is set by the EQS directive. Min and Max characterizes differences in costs per analysis of a specific substance and depends on determinand and analytical technique used NL PL PT Estimated average is the average unit cost of 33+8 substances analysed in biota; "Min" is the lower cost and it refers to metals; "Max" is the higher cost and it refers to pesticides or PAH. ROprobably will be double as those for water analysis when this type of analysis will be performed SE Unit costs is calculated from a total sum price for all priority substances in one sample of water/biota/sediment, respectively, and then divided by 41. Min respresents the cheapest laboratory; Max the most expensive one. A currency rate 1 Euro = 9,6 Sweden kronor is used.. SI SK1844we did not provide up to 2010 in Slovakia (EXCLUDED FROM AVERAGE) NO EE MEAN P P185,2577, P110,562120
water.europa.eu 10 Analysis unit costs – sediment Estimated average MinMaxPlease explain what is included in the unit costs you have given, and identify the main sources of the differences (between min. and max.) (max 5000 characters) (Euros) What is the average unit cost per priority substance of an analysis in sediment? AT BE-F related to the amount of analyses of organic compounds (excl. Organonitrogen pesticides, Organophosphorous pesticides, phenols and C10-C13 chloroalkanes) and heavy metals; cost incl. VAT (21%) BE-W CY CZ89Analysis of PAH, OCP, metals, VOC without dichloromethane (GIVEN FIGURE OF 627 DIVIDED BY 7) DE DK Estimated cost for analysis in: total water, dissolved water, biota and sediment. Calculation of the cost unit per priority substance is based on the cost unit of analysing groups of substances. The cost unit per priority substance is therefore estimated to be higher. ES HUThere are no such analyses done IT LT LT The price is for metals (11) (min) and organic compounds (PAH, PCP, PCB, pesticides) (max) LV Sample treatment in the lab, analyses, QA/QC processing of testing results, reporting. Costs are estimated for all list of substances indicated in previous tables, excluding organic solvents. The average cost is estimated assuming substances under No 9a (Cyclodiene pesticides) and also No28 (PAH's) each as one substance. Min and Max characterizes differences in costs per analysis of a specific substance and depends on determinand and analytical technique used NL PL PT Estimated average is the average unit cost of 33+8 substances analysed in sediment; "Min" is the lower cost and it refers to mercury analysis; "Max" is the higher cost and it refers to pesticides or PAH. ROprobably will be double as those for water analysiswhen this type of analysis will be performed SE Unit costs is calculated from a total sum price for all priority substances in one sample of water/biota/sediment, respectively, and then divided by 41. Min respresents the cheapest laboratory; Max the most expensive one. A currency rate 1 Euro = 9,6 Sweden kronor is used.. SI SK1844we did not provide in Slovakia up to 2010 (EXCLUDED FROM AVERAGE) NO EE MEAN P P172,586327,5 50P
water.europa.eu 11 Cost calculation Unit costseuros Sample water128Average of total and dissolved (112 and 145) Sample sediment228 Sample biota422 Analysis water133Average of total and dissolved (105 and 162) Analysis sediment128 Analysis biota151 Percentage of water/sed/biota sampling and analysisProportion from monitoring database water93 sediment6 biota1 Sample ponderated average137 Analysis ponderated average133 Monitoring programmes (current) Number of stations according to COMM report Round-up to extrapolate from 23 to 27 MS20000 Average frequency per year2Surv: 12x per year one year out of 6. Op: 2x year. Other (e.g. trend analysis) Average Nb of substances per station7 Calculation total (current)eurosValidation using total costs data Watch list Number of stations250 Average number of samples per year per station2 Number of substances20 Cost per year ,6%
water.europa.eu Validation 12 Validation (current) MSTot cost Population '000ratio AT BE-F BE-W CY CZ DE DK ES FR HU IT LT LV NL PL PT RO SE SI SK EE Extrapolation