How do Christians use the Bible? Comunicación y Gerencia What is the significance of the Bible for Christians? Year 9 Lesson 3
How do Christians use the Bible? Examine these pictures? How is the Bible being used in each picture?
How do Christians use the Bible? Bedtime stories from the Bible During the wedding service Group Study During Mass Readings
How does the Bible help Christians in their faith? On a clean page in your exercise book, copy and complete this list. Are there any more ways the Bible helps a Christian in their faith? Brings them closer to G_ _ Gives them a_ _ _ _ _ and guidance Brings them c_ _ _ _ _ _ Helps them u_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ their faith more Helps them grow s_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ advice spiritually understand God comfort
Christians believe that the Bible cannot simply be read like any other book – it needs to be studied and thought about. Most churches have someone like a priest to explain the meaning of the Bible.
Write a presentation -Explain what Christians believe about the Bible. -Mention that it is a special book, the word of God, inspired by the Holy Spirit. -How is it structured? How is it used in daily life? Make links between Bible stories and what Christians believe. -What are your thoughts and feelings about the Bible?