Monday, October 14, 2013 Prepositions, Study Groups, & Library Lesson 1
1. Sign in and Homework Review in Groups 2. Prepositions 3. Writing Groups 4. Library Lesson
Take your completed homework out and work with one or two other people to check your work. Mary will circulate around the room, check off your homework, and answer questions. More questions? See Mary after class.
Please reflect and write about your experience completing the Visual Literacy Worksheet. What was easy about it? What was hard to do? What parts of the exercise did you enjoy, and why?
Preposition is derived from Latin root words, pre, which means before, and position, which means place or, well, position. A preposition is a plain little word—although a few are longish-- that relates a noun or a word that acts like a noun to another word in a sentence. For example, in this sentence, of chess The man in the yellow hat played a game of chess with Curious George, ▪ the word in relates hat to the man, ▪ the word of relates the word chess to the word game, ▪ and the word with relates Curious George to played. We use prepositions all the time! Check out the preposition list (handout), and then, with a partner, make a list of all of the prepositions on this slide.
Of course, nothing about the English language can be totally simple and no rule is without exceptions. And so it is with prepositions, but luckily, we only have one problematic preposition, to. To can be a preposition: We walked to the store But to can also be part of a verb form, the infinitive. We wanted to walk to the store rather than to drive.
Thumb through the packet. You’ll need to find a minimum of two and a maximum of four other folks whom you can meet with at least once a week face-to- face I suggest meetings either right before or right after our class. But any time or place works, as long as it’s conducive to studying Hook up with some folks and complete the worksheet. Set up a meeting before next Monday to discuss your rules. Look on the portal, if you like, for some guidelines for study groups. (What’s Due When, Week Four) Your worksheet and rules will be due by Wed., Oct. 23 rd.
An overview of library services A hands-on workshop on how to evaluate websites Library classroom, located in the back of the library (look behind the stairs).
Visual Literacy Worksheet Preposition Worksheet On Wed., Oct 16 th we will conduct a reading response workshop, you will receive your first graded writing assignment, and we will learn about finding verbs and their subjects in sentences.