Overview Presentation Mary Lynn Realff Co-PI and Project Director NSF Site Visit June 8, 2004 GT NSF ADVANCE – taking an integrated approach to institutional factors that will support the full participation and advancement of women in science and engineering
Networks and Professorships Women faculty meet in groups frequently College and inter-college activities bring together women –Offer encouragement –Establish research collaborations –Communicate more effectively with administration (college and institute) Center for the Study of Women, Science and Technology (WST) sponsors activities and partnerships that encourage the full participation of women Annual GT Conference
Professor Activities identifying, prioritizing, and taking action with the dean and school chairs on key issues within the schools addressing across-COE challenges/opportunities CoS faculty mentoring program Developing CoS promotion/tenure guidelines and faculty resources web site Developed programs that implement means to advancement. Developed electronic profiles of IAC women faculty and a listserve for women in College GT is hub for the National Center for Women and Information Technology for faculty development facilitating communication among women faculty, graduate students, and administrators Fostered networks of communication, information, mentoring, faculty development activities and exchange.
Best Idea Yet: Collaboratively Set Expectations and Create Solutions Advantages –People give you better ideas when they know you are going to implement them –People “buy in” when they have contributed to the solution –Format gives a good balance of “identifying problems” with generation of “actions” Outcomes –Faculty and administrators develop solutions together –Group interaction builds networks across campus –Leverage best practices across the entire campus Implement their recommendations Conference Breakout groups Identify best practices Identify barriers to success Make recommendations
Promotion Tenure Advance Committee (PTAC) Formed to address the effectiveness of a wide range of faculty development and evaluation issues campus-wide, across all academic disciplines. Mission as a grassroots faculty-driven effort, PTAC was conceived and charged to: (1) encompass a broad study of potential forms of bias in faculty development and tenure/promotion evaluations, (2) look into any conceivable set of issues related to faculty development, mentoring, and evaluation procedures, (3) develop a methodology to periodically measure faculty perceptions.
Interactive learning tool Identification of institute best practices Awareness of Decisions in Evaluating Promotion & Tenure Scholarship on bias GT ADVANCE research & surveys PTAC report & surveys GT Promotion and Tenure ADVANCE Committee Significant Accomplishment: ADEPT Computer Instrument to Reduce Bias in Evaluation Fictional P&T case studies Interactive P&T meeting
Areas of difficulty/resistance Data Collection –Collating various databases –Referencing individual personnel files for data facts –Comparing data difficult Not a unique space data clearing house Offer letter varies among disciplines Implementing the family-work policies/procedures –Working with the University System of Georgia –Tailoring implementation to the colleges –Educating the faculty about appropriate use of leave vs. active-service modified duties.