Theme Theme is the BIG IDEA of a novel A message the author is sending The author doesn’t come right out and say what the theme is Your job as the reader is to find out what the author is saying The theme of a fable is the moral it teaches (The Boy Who Cried Wolf) The theme of a novel is the author’s view of life and how people behave
Theme The author uses the setting, characters, problem and solution to reveal the theme Hints at the theme A character that does or says something meaningful A character behaves morally or ethically right How characters deal with conflict
Theme What about Number the Stars? Friendship Bravery
Theme The theme of Hatchet Perseverance Growing up Strength: Physical and emotional
Theme The Theme of Hoot Protecting the environment Honor Fighting bullies: Dana, Chuck Muckle, Mother Paula
Theme What is the theme of your Book Club book? Write your idea in your reading journal.