Welcome: Language Arts 8 Literature Circles Independent Novel LA8U7L1
Agenda for the Day 1. Scope of the unit: what to expect and what you will be doing. 2. The culminating activity for this unit will be a response journal 3. Reading Comprehension! 4. Effective strategies
Scope of the Unit 3 weeks long unit that allows you to read a novel that you are interested in reading. Should be into your novel and have some thoughts, feelings and impressions by now. Read the instructions for the lessons carefully!! Make sure that you manage your time. Fill in your reading log each time you finish reading a section of your novel. If you are finished your book already, that is fine, you just need to indicate that in your log. BUT, send it in on Friday’s because you want to receive the completion marks for this!
The Journal Remember, a writer's response journal to literature reflects your feelings, ideas, and experiences. 1. The first page of your journal should outline your PERSONAL thoughts, feelings, experiences, and impressions about the novel. 2. Comparing literature is very important Choose a piece of literature that you feel compares to the novel that you are reading right now. How is it similar and different?. How are the characters the same and different? This will make up the second page of your journal. 3. The final page of your response journal is going to be an analysis of the stories elements
Continue…. You have done this before! You will be responsible for outlining the stories characters, the conflicts, the plot, the setting and the theme of the novel. Please refer to pages in your ResourceLines 7/8 textbook to review the elements of a novel. It is important that you outline the point of view of the novel, the mood, and what tools has the author used (flashback, figurative language, symbolism, foreshadowing)? Here is the link that works to view the New Novel list: ect/english/novel4_12.pdf
Evaluation Thoughts and reflections about the novel /10 Comparative evaluation of literature /10 Plot analysis and reflection of the tools used /10 Mechanics /5 Total: 35 marks
Reading Comprehension Before Reading Some tips: What strong readers do! Confidently approach the reading task Activate their background knowledge on the subject before reading Connect background knowledge to the new learning situation Know their purpose for reading Make predictions and choose appropriate strategies
Continue…. Set relevant and attainable goals During Reading Focus their complete attention on the reading Read independently Possess an extensive vocabulary and continue to build on this Look up words they do not know
Continue… Monitor their reading comprehension After Reading Reflect on what they have read and the new knowledge gained Summarize major ideas Feel success Express opinions about their selection
What’s Coming Up? 1. Try some of these strategies on your own! 2. Enjoy the reading process! 3. Vocabulary work next tutorial Any questions?