Online Learning The Questions and Characteristics of Learning with Technology By Chad Lass
Part One: Questions for Online Learning
Question One: Learning Face-Face, Hybrid, or 100% Online? I would like to learn 100% online, because working face-to-face is annoying to me. When you’re online, you can chat with others without working on a paper. I really like working on computers due to how productive it is. Typing is faster, and doesn’t hurt your fingers (Carpel Tunnel Syndrome is another story…)
Question Two: Is Online Learning a Good Fit for Me? Yes, online learning is a good fit for me. As I’ve stated before, I prefer online learning over learning in a classroom due to the way you work on things. I’m good at typing, I get my work done faster, and I find it awesome that when your work is done, you can play games.
Question Three: What Characteristics are Strengths for Me, and what Characteristics are Weaknesses ? I think a strength is that I’m organized. I know where to put my stuff when I have homework or not. Another strength is that I’m self-motivated, and I can fulfill class requirements and succeed. A weakness is that I don’t always work independently that well. I may need help here and there
Part Two: The Characteristics of Online Learning
Self-Motivation Students can achieve success by directing themselves to their own learning environment, and to not be distracted by others. Students also need to fill course requirements in order to succeed all of their classes. They can not put themselves down for mistakes. Mistakes happen, and then you fix them.
Independency Students must not feel rushed to complete assignments. They should be able to work at their own speed. Independency relieves stress in students due to their relaxed work time. The students should not have to speed up, but to find enjoyment in their work.
Computer Literate Students should also have proper keyboarding skills to work at a productive speed to get work done faster. Students must also have the basic understanding of as well.
Organization Students must keep all of their work in order, and plan the best time to learn. Homework is also supposed to be organized, so you know what to turn in at certain times. DO NOT PROCRASTINATE.
Effective Writers Students must use electronic to communicate with their teachers/ instructors to clearly state any problems in their working environment. Students also need to use their effective writing skills on their assignments in order to receive better grades. The writing can’t be dull, or else it would make the assignment boring.
Commitment Students must have a strong desire to learn in a classroom in order to succeed. Learning requires strong commitments to achieve academic success. You have to put yourself forward and participate. That is what leads to success.
The End Try your Hardest to Succeed, and Never Give Up (Hopefully that wasn’t too Preachy)