SS7CG3 The student will analyze how politics in Africa impacts the standards of living. a. Compare how various factors, including gender, affect access to education in Kenya and Sudan. b. Describe the impact of government stability on the distribution of resources to combat AIDS and famine across Africa.
Education and Standard of Living One of the factors that leads to an increased standard of living is the education level of a country’s population. In many countries access to education is limited in a number of ways. – Warfare – Gender-based norms – poverty
Kenya School Attendance – 85% attend elementary school – 24% attend high school – 2% attend college Literacy Rate is 85% – Boys is 91% – Girls is 79% School attendance for boys and girls is greater in cities, but terrible in rural areas – Many families believe that boys need better education for better paying jobs
Kenyan Women Their role is to prepare for marriage Early marriages (child brides) are very common in rural areas – These marriages bring a dowry to the bride’s family – Dowry = money or gifts the groom and his family give to the bride and her parents as a wedding present
Sudan Has been involved in a Civil War (including the establishment of a South Sudan) – Military conflict has left many schools in ruins Just like Kenya, Boys’ education is preferred over Girls’ because they have a better chance to get higher paying jobs Sudanese Literacy Rate: 61% – Boys’ Literacy Rate: 72% – Girls’ Literacy Rate: 50 %
HIV/AIDS Reports suggest that 23 million Africans live with AIDS while roughly 1.5 million have died Reasons for rapid expansion of the virus 1.Poor health care systems 2.Poverty People can’t afford antiretroviral drugs (AVTs) 3.Lack of government organization No centralized means to contain the virus 4.Ignorance about the disease People’s ideas on how to cure the virus aren’t effective. Most actually help it spread
Famine Reasons for Famine in Africa: 1.Climate change 2.Political Conflict Disrupts farming 3.Poor prices for African goods on the world market 4.Disease 5.Poorly organized or corrupt governments Reasons for Famine in Africa: 1.Climate change 2.Political Conflict Disrupts farming 3.Poor prices for African goods on the world market 4.Disease 5.Poorly organized or corrupt governments
Examples of Famine in Africa Zimbabwe New landowners took over farmland and failed to produce. Old landowners were associated with the country’s Apartheid system. Angola Civil War disrupted farming Sudan Over 20 years of Civil War. Most Sudanese depend on international aid to avoid starvation