NSTX Team Meeting December 4, 2008 College W&M Colorado Sch Mines Columbia U Comp-X General Atomics INEL Johns Hopkins U LANL LLNL Lodestar MIT Nova Photonics New York U Old Dominion U ORNL PPPL PSI Princeton U Purdue U SNL Think Tank, Inc. UC Davis UC Irvine UCLA UCSD U Colorado U Maryland U Rochester U Washington U Wisconsin Culham Sci Ctr U St. Andrews York U Chubu U Fukui U Hiroshima U Hyogo U Kyoto U Kyushu U Kyushu Tokai U NIFS Niigata U U Tokyo JAEA Hebrew U Ioffe Inst RRC Kurchatov Inst TRINITI KBSI KAIST POSTECH ASIPP ENEA, Frascati CEA, Cadarache IPP, Jülich IPP, Garching ASCR, Czech Rep U Quebec NSTX Supported by
NSTX NSTX Team Meeting December 4, Time: 1:00 ~ 2:30, Place NSTX LSB 318, Dec. 4, 2008 General Items (30 minutes) Outage Updates (30 minutes) Program items (30 minutes) NSTX Team Meeting Agenda
NSTX NSTX Team Meeting December 4, ES&H Issues (J. Levine) - Heath/Safety is the foundation of what we do! - NSTX Outage is coming to close soon. Please be mindful of safety when you may be trying extra hard to get ready for the run! - NSTX Operation is starting soon. Again, please be as you enter the test cell. The radiation requirement will change so please be ready with a proper radiation badge and with appropriate training completed. - The winter is fast approaching (if not here already)! Be very careful with slippery surfaces when you are outside. Do not forget to put salt on your home walkways and driveways when frozen condition occur! Keep yourself in good physics condition through occasional light exercise. Safely, Safely, Safely
NSTX NSTX Team Meeting December 4, NSTX preparing the mission needs (CD-0) material for the NSTX major upgrade (new Center-stack and the second NBI) for OFES/DOE A visit to Germantown on Dec. 3, 2008 to give an update on the NSTX upgrade CD-0 planning - OFES/DOE requested an NSTX upgrade CD-0 document containing combined CS and NBI scopes at the earliest possible time. Draft Upgrade Schedule: Aiming to be ready in FY (CD-4) CD-0 (Mission needs) - ASAP FY 09 CD-1 (CDR) - Late FY 09 (or early FY 10) CD-2 (PDR) - FY 10 CD-3 (FDR) - FY 11 Important points made: - Comprehensive up front design and R&D for realistic cost and schedule - Adequate cost and schedule contingency - Identify risks early NSTX Upgrades
NSTX NSTX Team Meeting December 4, Modular design of NSTX enables removal of present CS and replacement with a new higher-performance CS Present CS has been removed and re-installed several times for maintenance and modifications New CS would have larger radius for increased conductor area and toroidal field current, while maintaining low aspect ratio A 1.5 Construction tolerance requirements are similar to present NSTX CS 2m Present CS 2m Present CSNew CS +13cm radial build Approximate outline of new Center-Stack
NSTX NSTX Team Meeting December 4, Technical Risks RiskPlans to Retire Outer TF Legs have coolant leaks and are currently dry because of defects in the coolant tubes. The tubes need to be repaired or coolant passage redesigned to provide cooling in support of higher TF currents. Estimate includes budget to implement alternate coil cooling approach if needed Plan to expedite investigation and repair options early in design to preserve range of options. Reinforcement of the outer TF Legs and Umbrella Structure to handle the higher loads will be challenging to retrofit on an operational device Early analysis planned to characterize new loads. Design and consultation with outside structural engineer. The ability to find a cost effective TF Joint that works at the higher fields Early analysis planned to guide new design. Consultation with MIT engineers (similar design experience) planned for design input.
NSTX NSTX Team Meeting December 4, An NBI heating system available from TFTR could be moved to the NSTX test cell and installed next to the present NBI PPPL has extensive experience operating, maintaining, refurbishing NBI NBI is well understood and has provided reliable heating to high values in NSTX Present NBI Pump Duct NSTX 2 nd NBI NSTX test cellTFTR test cell
NSTX NSTX Team Meeting December 4, Technical Risks RiskPlans to Retire The TFTR NBLs were operating very well in tritium when taken out of service in Uncertain of present condition of the NBL internals and levels of tritium contamination. Also uncertain of level of effort to decontaminate. The R&D on decontamination can be initiated in the early stages of the project. Decon techniques well tested during the TFTR D&D project. Considerable experience at PPPL restoring NBL internals. Uncertainty in the commercial availability of High Voltage Switch-Tubes, cabling and terminations for the 100kV Accelerator System. Spares currently available on-site Working with vendors and exploring other design options.
NSTX NSTX Team Meeting December 4, NSTX FY 09 run of 14 run weeks will be completed in June and resume operation in late-Sept. / early Oct. time frame. - We will start the run in mid-Feb (Al, Mike Bell). - Jon to issue a research planning guidance for the FY 09 run and the first phase of the FY 10 run with LLD and BES for the research forum. - The 2009 summer outage period will be minimized as much as possible to allow return to operation with LLD, BES and MSE-LIF in later September/early October. We will need everyone's help and cooperation! - A realistic LLD/BES/MSE-LIF installation schedule needs to be developed. - We will do minimum diagnostic calibration (only those which are absolutely needed.) NSTX Schedule