To be re-named: ‘Franchise Despatch’ ‘Booking by Admin’ Component Within ‘Reporting’ Module To be re-named: ‘Operations’
Booking By Admin Currently Called Booking by Admin. Please change to ‘Franchise Despatch’ – which should include ALL bookings. Needs to be accessed via Super Admin Log-in (to see all franchises). Needs to be accessed by Franchise Log-in (to see jobs booked on their domains/sub- domains).
Franchise Log-in From a franchise point of view, they need to see the live despatch screen so can monitor as and when a job has been accepted by a service provider. Visibility of all job details and service providers. Franchise agent/administrator needs the ability (as it is now) to accept a job on behalf of a service provider. – Franchise Administrator will need an audit trail of CHANGES and activity of every user registered to that franchise. Please add to job details. Job Details on despatch screen needs to be more extensive…include everything entered into the GUI [Can be outlined in the sections as evident in order summary]; Promo Code if used, Passenger Details, Other Contacts, Flight Information, Payment Details, Product Details (as it is).
Franchise Despatch Screen Changes/Bugs As jobs are made the line should remain untouched – no colour. When all products within a job have been fully accepted the line should turn green. When products have been declined within a job the line should turn red. Currently the Elapse Time and Remaining Time is connected to the BOOKING DATE. PLEASE link to the SERVICE DATE and the SERVICE TIME which should be further converted into the Franchise’s local time-zone. (GMT +/- 0 hours). So the date/Time of service linked to country of service, +/- that country’s time-zone; Elapse Time and Remaining Time connect directly to services as and when they are happening, no matter where in the world: – Elapse Time – Hours passed since time of service. – Remaining Time – Hours remaining until time of service. ‘Date of Service’ & ‘Time of Service’ should remain as it was booked, so what the user had selected. Once selection has been made the Despatch screen should order by Remaining Time. So those jobs that have already happened at the top (will be in the minus) and those jobs that are furthest away at the bottom. Status should be one of the following: Pending, Accepted, Declined, Assigned, Closed. After receiving the results from your selection, you should be able to download the selection at any point into Microsoft Excel.
Franchise Despatch Screen Changes/Bugs II Please add another Radial Tool to search by Lead Passenger name. Please Add Lead Passenger Name to this
Franchise Despatch s sent out when accepting/declining a job Declined Jobs: To Service Provider: From: To: [service provider address} despatch to service provider to say: [User name (whether this is franchise user or service provider user)] from [Service Provider Name] has declined job: [Reference number] with the following details (replicated from confirmation ). To Internal Booking Desk: Simply CC in Accepted Jobs: To Service Provider: From: To: [service provider address} despatch to service provider to say: [User name (whether this is franchise user or service provider user)] from [Service Provider Name] has accepted job: [Reference number] with the following details (replicated from confirmation ). To Internal Booking Desk: Simply CC in