By: Heather Spooner
Service Learning Car Washes for American Heart Association Doug Henderson Memorial Golf Tournament Relay for Life Church Clean up Teaching children church Getting groceries for a cancer patient
Cont… Service learning is the incorporation of community service within an educational system. In my words, I believe that service learning is anything you do to help someone. You will learn something new everyday.
Important to me Service learning is important to me because it helps me connect with my community. I learn so much about the people around me, and it makes me feel good that I have helped someone.
Church Clean-up after tornado.
Children Church Class
They love me !
We were making a scroll.
Refection It has touched my heart to get to work with children in my church. I love to watch them grow up into the young people that will continue our church.
Relay for Life
Setting up the tent
I love candy !
He was the balloon man.
She was the balloon girl.
Will I continue? Relay showed me how much good this school can actually do. We banded together for a good cause and raised a lot of money. I have changed over the past two semester because of the service learning I have done. I feel I am a better, more understand person. Yes, I will continue.
My Reason, My Mimi