Global Knowledge Partnership on Migration and Development (KNOMAD) Contact: Dilip Ratha World Bank Washington DC
Migration affects development
Development also affects migration
Interactions between migration and development are complex, and multi-dimensional
Rationale for KNOMAD Vast knowledge not always accessible to policy makers Knowledge spread out over many disciplines There are information and knowledge gaps in many key areas of migration and development
KNOMAD Open, inclusive, multidisciplinary knowledge partnership To generate a menu of policy choices, based on analytical evidence and quality control through peer-review A global public good that is also a learning process
Structure Twelve thematic working groups supported by a small secretariat Advisory committee Contractual as well as voluntary contributions Multi-donor trust fund at the World Bank
KNOMAD T HEMATIC W ORKING G ROUPS Data High- skilled labor migration Lower- skilled labor migration Integration issues in host communities Policy and institution al coherence Migrant rights and social aspects Demography and migration Remittances Mobilizing other diaspora resources Environmental change and migration Internal migration Migration and security
Thematic Working Groups 1. Data 2. High-skilled labor migration 3. Low-killed labor migration 4. Integration issues in host communities 5. Policy and institutional coherence 6. Migration, security and development 7. Migrant rights and social aspects of migration 8. Demography and migration 9. Remittances, incl. access to finance and capital markets 10. Mobilizing diaspora resources 11. Environmental change and migration 12. Internal migration and urbanization
Cross-cutting themes Monitoring and Impact Evaluation Capacity Building Gender Public perception and communication?
Partnerships International and regional agencies Universities and research institutions Think tanks International Initiatives Networks Civil Society
Outputs A menu of policy choices Analytical research products Policy briefs Operational toolkits, fact books Web-based anthologies, archives, blogs Few pilot projects and capacity building activities
Time line Inception phase (ending March 2013) Implementation phase (April 2013-Dec 2017) Evaluation – 2016 Pilot projects – Exit
Be a partner of KNOMAD Participate in one or more of the 12 thematic working groups Collaborate on research with KNOMAD team of experts Raise visibility of your research and influence policy Contribute papers to the KNOMAD process for publication as policy briefs, journal articles or book chapters
International logo competition $2.500 prize Closing date January 15, 2013 To submit, Visit
We shall not cease from exploration. And the end of all our exploring will be to arrive where we started and know the place for the first time TS Eliot