National Food Security Mission Uttar Pradesh
4.a Review of Implementation of Kharif-2011, NFSM Programme. CropLast Year Target Target 2011 Likely Achievement 2011 Rice − Area ( Lakh ha.)32.00 (29.06) − Production (Lakh Tones)62.89 (58.94) Pulses − Area ( Lakh ha.)22.35 (24.28) − Production (Lakh Tones)22.00 (20.14) Note : Achievement in parenthesis Crop-wise Area Coverage & Production of Kharif Rice & Pulses
4.a Status of Implementation of NFSM During Kharif RicePulsesA3P NFSM Plan Allocation Unspent Balance Funds Released − Likely Expenditure − Amount in Lakh Rs.
4.a Financial Statement (As on ) Amount in Lakh Rs. Sl. No. Component Sanctioned From GOI Released from GOI Revalidate from GOI Total Released / Approved Amount Expenditure 1Rice Pulses Wheat − −− Total
4.b Rabi Preparedness Identification & selection of villages / beneficiaries for Demo. in progress Pulses seed will be made available to Agri./coop. sale points by 15 th Sep. Wheat seed will be made available to the sale points by 30 th Sep. Bio-Pesticides & PP Chemicals will be made available at sale points by 30 th Sep. Rhizobium / PSB culture are being arranged. Availability of fertilizers will be ensured well in time with the support of GOI. Prepositioning of fertilizers has been done.
4.b Rabi Preparedness Procurement of micronutrients by Agri. Deptt. and U.P. Agro is in progress and same will be made available to sale points by 30th Sep. Kisan Credit Card available ( ) − lakh ( ) − lakh (15.18 lakh KCC were prepared and distributed this year) Rs crore ( ) credit target have been enhanced to Rs crore this year in Rabi plan.
Component Impact on Production (Lakh MT) (base year) (Tentative) Rice NFSM Non-NFSM (14.20% increase) (26.02% increase) (0.16% increase even drought) (14.98% increase) (3.89% increase) (14.61% increase) (2.96% decrease) (5.09% increase) Wheat NFSM Non-NFSM (1.7% decrease) (10.35% increase) (5% increase) (17.38% increase) ( 2.73% decrease due to rise in temp. milking/ dough stage ) (8.97% increase) (6.57% increase) (12.73% increase) Pulses NFSM Non-NFSM (20.48% decrease) (13.88% increase) (3.85% increase)20.14 (11.09% increase) (9.56% increase) 6.36 (3.07% increase) 5.99 (2.92% decrease due to drought ) Production targets (Rice 65.52, Pulses & Wheat LMT) fixed for 11 th Five Year Plan will be achieved.
ComponentImpact on Productivity in (Q/ha.) (Base Year) (Tentative) Rice NFSM (15.21% increase) (23.83% increase) (15.08% increase) (21.43% increase Non-NFSM (5.26% increase) (9.50% increase) (7.75% increase) (10.81% increase) Wheat NFSM (2.68% increase) (9.43% increase) (2.15% increase) (13.34% increase) Non-NFSM (0.54% increase) (8.03% increase) (3.27% increase) (11.27% increase) Pulses NFSM (11.03% decrease) 9.24 (27.45% increase) 7.31 (0.83% increase)8.30 (12.92% increase) Non-NFSM Avg (12.32% increase) 8.50 (12.58% increase) 7.95 (5.30% increase) Productivity targets (Rice 20.76, Pulses & Wheat Qtl./ha.) fixed for 11 th Five Year Plan will be achieved.
Issues-NFSM Tractor, Reaper-cum-Binder, Class Combine, Power Thresher should also be included. All assistance in the programme be reviewed and revised accordingly. Minikits/Demo be continued under NFSM-Pulses. Target of seed distribution in wheat may increase. The GOI may accord sanction based on actuals.