Deep Down Popular By Phoebe Stone
Summary This book is about Jessie Lou. She is a southern, small-town girl. For years, she has been in love with the It boy, Conrad Parker Smith. Jessie’s not sure why, but it seems that every inch of Conrad just screams popular. But when Conrad gets a leg brace, Jessie notices his popularity slowly slipping away. She is assigned to help him around, and they quickly become friends. But once Conrad’s leg heals, will Jessie Lou’s real-life fantasy be over?
Jessie Lou 6 th Grader Jessie Lou is consumed by thoughts of Conrad Smith. But Conrad is popular and Jessie Lou has nobody except for her “maybe-when-I-feel-like-it” friends. Finally when Conrad hurts his leg and becomes less popular Jessie Lou has a chance to figure out who he really is.
Conrad Conrad is popular until the beginning of the year when he starts to wear a leg brace. Now he cant quite keep up with his old friends so him and Jessie Lou start hanging out.
Quentin A quirky little 4 th grader who likes to go on adventures with Jessie Lou and Conrad.
Grandfather Jessie Lou’s grandfather who lives with there family and obviously loves Jessie Lou’s sister Melinda more than her.
Why I recommend this book I loved seeing Jessie and Conrad’s friendship blossom. This book was really fun and girly. I highly recommend this book to others because it is really sweet and cute!