Aim: How are living things different from non-living things? Do Now 1.What do you have in common with other living things? 2.Explain what a life process is.
Similarities Amongst Living Things made of one or more cells-->unicellular vs. multi-cellular organisms Carry on life processes or life functions
Metabolism All life functions or processes together Chemical reactions that take place in your body are part of your body’s metabolism
Life Process-Nutrition Taking in food Breaking down food into small nutrients (digestion) Getting rid of undigested food (elimination)
Life Process-Transport Taking materials into the organism (living thing) & spreading or circulating the material throughout the organism Things like oxygen, nutrients, etc.
Life Process-Respiration Producing energy from breaking down nutrients into smaller pieces (chemical reaction) ATP energy is the energy that cells need to function Cellular respiration is the name for the process that makes energy !
Life Process-Excretion Removing metabolic wastes produced from life processes
Life Process-Synthesis All chemical reactions that use small molecules to form larger molecules
Life Process-Regulation Control & coordination of all life activities by nerves & chemicals in the blood (hormones) Maintains body homeostasis (stability or balanced internal environment)
Life Process-Growth Increase in size or number of cells in the organism
Life Process-Reproduction Producing new individuals babies, offspring Not needed for survival
Life Process-Locomotion Moving from place to place
BrainPop Video eandgenetics/metabolism/ eandgenetics/metabolism/
Review Questions Q1. Why are non-living things not alive? Q2. How are living things similar? Q3. Why are plants alive?