By: Brittney Simpson
What was Abe’s house in Kentucky made out of growing up as a child? Click the picture below!
Click the picture below to take the tour of Lincoln’s home in Springfield, Illinois. His house was within walking distance to his law office and the state capitol building.
Abe Lincoln was unable to attend school very often due to work, but click the group of numbers below to find out what his favorite school subjects were.
Click the coins above to find out how Lincoln developed his nickname answer! Appointed by President Jackson as postmaster of New Salem, IL.
Lincoln was President during the Civil War. Click the flags to find out who fought in this war and what the war ended. After the war was over Lincoln issued a preliminary decree. Click the document below to find out what the Emancipation Proclamation involved.
The Thirteenth Amendment freed the slaves. However, the Thirteenth Amendment originally was passed for a different purpose. Click the Amendment below to answer questions and find out more about the Thirteenth Amendment and the effect of the Emancipation Proclamation.
President Lincoln arrived in Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, the day before delivering his famous Address at the National Cemetery. At dusk on November 18, 1863 Click the picture of the Old Railroad Station Lincoln arrived and take the photo tour for more information about Lincoln at Gettysburg. Use this information to answer questions.
On November 19, 1863, President Abraham Lincoln delivered a short speech at the close of ceremonies dedicating the battlefield cemetery at Gettysburg, Pennsylvania. Requested to offer a few remarks, Lincoln memorialized the Union dead and highlighted the redemptive power of their sacrifice. Placing the common soldier at the center of the struggle for equality, Lincoln reminded his listeners of the higher purpose for which blood was shed. In composing his address, Lincoln must have been reminded of the words of David Wills. A prominent citizen of Gettysburg charged with cleaning up after the grisly battle of July 1-3, Wills urged the President to attend the ceremony. Click below to listen to the Gettysburg Address
John Wilkes Booth shot and killed President Lincoln at Ford's Theatre in Washington, D.C.
Click the picture and take the tour of Abraham Lincoln’s tomb
Click the text below to enjoy a fun trivial game about Abraham Lincoln’s life! php?video_id=137745&title=Abraham_Lin coln_Rap
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Books: Brenner, M. (1994). Abe Lincoln’s Hat. NY- Random House Inc. D’Aulaire, Ingri. (1957). Abraham Lincoln. NY- Bantam Doubleday Dell Publishing Group, Inc. McGovern, A. (1996). …If you grew up with Abraham Lincoln. NY-Scholastics. Rappaport, D. (2008). Abe’s Honest Words. NY- Hyperion Books for Children. Schaefer, L. (1999). Abraham Lincoln. Minnesota- Capstone Press. Websites: K, John. (2008). Leidner, Gordon. (2009). The Thirteenth Amendment. Great American History. Simmons, Shelia. (2003). An Educational Virtual Museum for Primary Students. Abraham Lincoln’s Assassination. ( ). History. assassination. assassination Abraham Lincoln Delivers The Gettysburg Address. (2012). Timelines Inc. Abraham Lincoln Online. (2009). Old Railroad Station.