Unit 4 What can you do ? A.let’s talk & let’s learn.


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Presentation transcript:

Unit 4 What can you do ? A.let’s talk & let’s learn

Let’s chant Miss Lv, Miss Lv, what can you do? Dance, dance. I can dance. Sing English songs, sing English songs. I can sing English songs. Do kung fu, do kung fu. I can do some kung fu.

Read and say I can _______ swimcookplay ping-pong play speak swim 同学们自由去读记单词,记住的同 学站起来! basketball /i: / English

Look and say cook swim play ping-pong play basketballspeak English / No, I can’t. Yes , I can. Can you_____? swim 你能游泳吗? A: B:

Pair work Can you_____?A: B:Yes , I can. / No, I can’t. swim dance cook play basketball play ping-pong play the pipa play the erhu speak English do kung fu draw cartoons make a puppet\Robot sing English songs sing the birthday song Tip :乐器前面加 the ,球类前不加 the. 同桌间做个小对话吧!一个问,一个答 Wonderful ! / No problem. I can help you.A:

Look and choose 1.Can you play ____ pipa ? A.\ B. the C. a 2. Can you play ___ basketball? A.\ B. the C. a 3.I can play___ ping-pong and play __ pipa. A.\,\ B.\, the C. a, the B A B Tip :乐器前面加 the ,球类前不加 the.

He can do some kung fu. 他 能练一些武术。 Can you do any kung fu ? 你能练一些武术吗? 一些 Tip: any, some 都表示 “ 一些 ” , any 用在疑问句和否定句中, some 用在肯定句中。 let's compare I can't do any kung fu.

Look and choose 1. We’ll learn ______ English. A. any B. many C. some 2. Can you do ______ kung fu ? A. any B. some C. many 3. He can't sing ___ English songs. A. many B. any C. some C A B

Let’s try Can Mike do any kung fu? Mike 会练武功吗? Listen and tick. √ √

What will they do? 他们将要去干什么? Listen and choose A. learn some kung fu. B. learn some English. Today we’ll learn some kung fu. 今天我们将会学习一些武术。 学习一些武术

Mr Ma: Good afternoon, children. Children: Cool ! Mr Ma: Can you do any kung fu, John? John: Yes, I can. Mr Ma: Wonderful ! Mr Ma: Can you do any kung fu, Oliver? Oliver: No, I can’t. Mr Ma: No problem. I can help you. Let’s talk Today we’ll learn some kung fu.

Read and answer 1.What can John do? 2. Can Oliver do any kung fu? He can do some kung fu. No, he can’t 看短文,回答一二两个问题,并在文章中用 ‘_____’ 将 与答案相关的句子划出来。

Mr Ma: Good afternoon, children. Children: Cool ! Mr Ma: Can you do any kung fu, John? John: Yes, I can. Mr Ma: Wonderful ! Mr Ma: Can you do any kung fu, Oliver? Oliver: No, I can’t. Mr Ma: No problem. I can help you. Read and fill Today we’ll learn some kung fu.

Guessing game What can I do? 猜猜 Miss lv 会做些什么呢? 用 Can you…… ? 来问 cookswim dance speak English play basketball play the pipa do kung fu draw cartoons sing English songs √ √ X √ √ √ √ √ X

Let’s say I’m helpful 我很能干 Hello, I’m ______. I can ________. But I can _____________. I can’t ________. I’ m helpful. Miss Lvswim play the pipa cook cook swim dace speak English play basketball play the pipa do kung fu draw cartoons sing English songs I can ____,too ! draw cartoons

Let’s write I’m helpful Hello, I’m ______. I can ________. But I can _____________. I can’t ________. I’ m helpful. cook swim dace speak English play basketball play the pipa do kung fu draw cartoons sing English songs I can ____,too !

Homework 1. 读 P41 课文三遍,并签名 2. 以 I’m helpful 为题写一篇作文。