The History of Puritans Hannah Rucker Period 5
Puritan Life Style Puritans were very verbal about their opinions, intense people. Puritans strongly believed in Education, creating the first free grammar school in Boston, Instead of separating from the church of England, puritan's wanted to "purify" the churches' sin. They did not agree with the church's ideas, and views. Puritans believed that all men and women are born with sin, and we must spend our lives proving we are worthy.
Puritan Life Style Puritans were known as "the greatest biblical theologians" since the apostles. Puritans suffered great persecution and torture, following all of the bibles orders. In Puritan times, to be born on a Sunday was interpreted as a sign of great sin. The Puritans loaded more beer than water onto the Mayflower before they cast off for the New World.
Puritan Life Style Puritans were strongly against witchcraft, they believed in witches and their power was from the devil. Drinking is a very huge sin. The leader was: John Winthrop. Puritans we're friends with Quakers. Puritans believed that if they studied scripture enough, they would fully agree with every word.
Puritan Life Style The manufacture of rum became early Colonial New England's largest and most prosperous industry. Benjamin Franklin was born on a Sunday and called "The devil child" growing up. In the early decades of the century, a trend among poets and artists to adopt a fashionable pose of melancholia is reflected in fashion. The characteristic touches are dark colors, open collars, unbuttoned gowns or doublets, and a generally disheveled appearance, accompanied in portraits by world-weary poses and sad expressions.
Puritan Life Style The Puritan belief also emphasized on hard work and effort. Puritans emerged spiritually in the 1500s, and their political emergence took place during the 1600s. This marked the beginning of the height of Puritan history. The Puritan mind was determined to give a solution to the modern world.
Puritan Life Style A common meal among puritans would include: Fish (fresh or salted), Roasted meats, and a stew "Colly-flower," carrots, and peas washed down with wine or ale. A custard of cream and wine, expensive sugared almonds
Sources "Puritanism, Puritans." Public Services - Social, Religious, Scientific, Products, Environment. Web. 08 Mar Digital History. Web. 08 Mar "Puritanism in New England." Washington State University - Pullman, Washington. Web. 08 Mar