PhD Research Project Cognitive Processes involved with Second Language Learning; The Relationship with Attention, Awareness and Working Memory. 14 th -17 th October 2013 Lucy Atkinson PhD in Cognitive Psychology
Extension of my Masters dissertation Title: The Impact of Textual Enhancement and the Relationship with Working Memory in Chinese Second Language Students Learning of the English Article System. In short, looked at a cognitive process (WM) in second language learners (Chinese/English) and their ability to “notice” from an implicit grammar teaching method (textual enhancement) What is the Thesis about?
Cognitive Processes in Second Language Learning (L2 learning) Working Memory Models of WM and measures used in SLA and L2 research Which measures of WM are more suitable to investigate WM and L2 learning How L2 WM functions What makes it smaller in capacity than L1 WM Working Memory Models of WM and measures used in SLA and L2 research Which measures of WM are more suitable to investigate WM and L2 learning How L2 WM functions What makes it smaller in capacity than L1 WM Attention Awareness What gets noticed in input? Attention Awareness What gets noticed in input? Grammar Learning (Focus on Form – using output of language form to help students communicate more effectively in the future – integrates meaning and form) Grammar Learning (Focus on Form – using output of language form to help students communicate more effectively in the future – integrates meaning and form) Noticing Input Enhancement Noticing Input Enhancement What is the Thesis about?
Planned Research Experimental studies Using students with English as their second language Which model of WM does most prior research use? Which model/measure of WM is best to describe WM in the L2? Is “noticing” required for L2 learning? Is learning without attention possible? Is learning possible without awareness? How will I Research this Area?
Original Contribution Under-researched in terms of WM/attention/awareness in just the L2 Researching under Psychology discipline and can adopt psychological measures (WM, attention, noticing) Understanding the ever-growing field of English Foreign Language learning and teaching/TEFL/TESOL – helping to understand why some learners can/cannot acquire the second language Why is it Original?
Overall Aim Understanding of cognitive processes in language learning Understanding of student’s internal processes and cognition for second language (L2) learning
Why this Research Area?
BSc in Psychology in Education (Department of Educational Research) Interested in the learning and development of children within education, and how best teachers can help students learn Ambassador for Beijing University of Foreign Studies (BFSU) at Lancaster University (2010) Spent four weeks at the university in Beijing, learning Mandarin/Chinese culture. From here, my interest for cultures and second language grew Masters in Teaching English as a Foreign Language (TEFL)/Applied Linguistics Modules in SLA, Instructed SLA, Task-based-language-teaching, dissertation and interested in why some of my classmates who had English as their second language could still not acquire some parts of English grammar
English teaching post in South China, Guangdong for 1 year teaching year olds. Put Masters work (theories/activities) into practice Think further on my PhD research area Why this Research Area?
Reasons for the topic: Experience of Psychology and Applied Linguistics disciplines Under-researched area in Second Language Acquisition research EFL teaching practice (in China and England) Research interests Interest in Cognitive Psychology (memory, attention, individual differences), Second Language Acquisition, Grammar Acquisition. Mainly interested in the cognitive processes within second language learning. Why this Research Area?
Led me to The University of Northampton enrolled on a PhD (full-time basis) in Cognitive Psychology (School of Social Sciences, Department of Psychology)
Thank you Any questions?