1 Water Education and Schools : Bridging the Divides for the future generations Hon. Maria Mutagamba Minister, of Water and Environment Uganda
2 Why School Children and Youth The Children and Youth make up about 70% of the global population- Critical mass and a sphere of influence as linkages and bridges to present and future Untapped source of future water problem- solvers Divides on many fronts including educational divides.
Why Divides Need to address barriers Economic Value children attach to water Low investment in safety of water Fixed mindset on water as a human right Poor correlation of water availability and ecosystems Different cultural values Educational systems and values 3
4 FOCUS Education systems and processes diverse but need of water universal New learning strategies as stimulus to new water solutions for the future generations Empowerment of water educators and resultant actions missing in the equation of water solutions for the future
Frameworks that can work Generic educational materials and curriculum Project WET experiences as an example Local learning adaptations Demsfication the science for the clear understanding of the common person 5
6 Educational materials Call for the ‘changing approach to education and learning ’ Challenges and opportunity for adoptive mechanisms to secure water for our future generations Reflective The Five Pillars of Learning (learning to know, learning to do, learning to be, learning to live together, and learning to live sustainably)
7 A way forward Creation of a global,regional and national networks for water educators Comprehensive trainings for educators as facilitators of water education Creation of a Forum For Water Educators More dialogue and advocacy with partners and water practitioners across the regions to promote water education in schools and non- formal settings for future generations.
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