The answer can be found in a book, magazine, or the internet You do not have to do a test or experiment to find the answer “I wonder ______________ ?”
How do plants grow? Why are their craters on the moon? What ingredients are in coke? What to mice like to eat? How is a soccer ball made?
Where is the planet in the solar system? How big is Mars? How far away from the Sun is Mars? How long does it take Mars to revolve around the Sun? How long does it take Mars to rotate on its axis? How did Mars get its name? Have any space craft ever landed on Mars? What gases make up the atmosphere on Mars? How many moons does Mars have?
You will learn where Mars is in the solar system and where Mars is in relationship to the Sun. So which questions should we cut out and which questions should we keep?
Where is the planet in the solar system? How big is Mars? How far away from the Sun is Mars? How long does it take Mars to revolve around the Sun? How long does it take Mars to rotate on its axis? How did Mars get its name? Have any space craft ever landed on Mars? What gases make up the atmosphere on Mars? How many moons does Mars have?
Where is the planet in the solar system? How far away from the Sun is Mars? How long does it take Mars to revolve around the Sun?
In groups of 2 -3 you will receive 10 researchable questions. Decide as a group which questions fit the learning goal and which do not. Be ready to defend you choices.
You will learn: How did George Washington help the American colonies win independence from Great Britain? Why is he called a founding father and patriot?