FY 2015/16 Financial Overview Revenues: Operating revenues for FY 2015/16 are projected to be approximately $116,550 or 1.6% higher than operating revenues budgeted in the current fiscal year. Expenses: Total Sanitation Expenses decrease by -1.0% or $68,298 A decrease of $50,000 in condominium reimbursements based on historic actual expenses A contractual increase of $38,372 for the curbside municipal solid waste collection contract and municipal solid waste disposal tipping fees Sanitation Fund – FY 2015/16 Proposed Budget 1
Landfill Expansion : Construction of vertical mechanically stabilized earth (MSE) walls to expand capacity without increasing overall maximum height or footprint of Landfill Constructed as two distinct phases Estimated Volume gain of up to 700,000 CY $24 to $39 million in revenue Additional Site Life 3.5 to 5.7 years Phase 1 - Construction cost $5.0 million, - Revenue of $17.3M Design and Permit Application in progress Public Hearing June 2015 Depending on permitting process - Construction could begin
Sanitation Fund – FY 2015/16 Proposed Budget 3
Landfill expansion project: Proposal is for funding the remaining $4 million necessary for the project will be set aside as a designated use of current fund balance. 4