Michelle’s MVP Award By: Ms. Filling
This story focused on chemical engineering through the making of playdough. The main character’s name is Michelle, she is a girl with down syndrome. She plays hockey with her brother Tim and enjoys making MVP awards before every practice. Her creativity and innovative skills allow her to present the art of playdough making to her team in order to raise money for a trip to a professional hockey game. Summary
Try it!
Engineering Process Ask: Observe, identify, explore real playdough Imagine: Does the order of mixing ingredients matter? Plan: Measurements, the order of combination Create: Put into practice the plan! Improve: Make adjustments for texture, mixing process
Our recipe: ¼ cup of flour, salt, and water -too liquidy, not firm, grainy, runny, not malleable, looses form Added ¼ cup extra flour -better, crumbly (little), more malleable, not very smooth Added 1 tsp. and 1 tbsp. water -little sticky but great!
Homemade! Pass around playdough