Outline Injection septum SMH42 Injection bumper Resources Conclusion LIU-ABT review 20/11/2015 Status PS injection septa2
PS injection septum Conventional eddy current device LIU-ABT review 20/11/2015 Status PS injection septa3 LIUPresent Nominal beam energy [GeV] Magnetic length [mm] Septum thickness at the downstream extremity (including magnetic screen) [mm] 5.85 Septum thickness at the upstream extremity (including magnetic screen and bumper septum thickness) [mm] 11n.a. Magnet gap height [mm] Magnet gap width between conductors [mm]95102 Nominal deflection angle [mrad] B gap [T] Integrated field strength [T.m] Peak current for nominal deflection [kA] Field homogeneity in gap ( ʃ B y.dl on straight line wr.t. centre) [%] ± 1.2unknown Pulse length [ms]2 (full wave)3.2 (half sine) Max. induced voltage on magnet terminals when injection bumper is pulsed [mV] 30n.a. Average duty cycle [s]1.2 ppm possibleyesno
Conventional eddy current septum LIU-ABT review 20/11/2015 Status PS injection septa4
Injection septum features LIU-ABT review 20/11/2015 Status PS injection septa5 SMH42 ∫B y dl homogeneity Uses flattened full sine excitation current → less sensitive to timing jitter. Uses soft steel end plates to reduce leak field and improve field homogeneity. Will use copper coated mu- metal beam screen to reduce leak field.
Defined SMH42 Position in lattice Magnet aperture Range of displacement system Current precision and stability Field homogeneity Beam emittance blow up, losses at injection Beam impedance measures: copper coated mu-metal beam screen adjacent to septum Space Reservation Request LIU-ABT review 20/11/2015 Status PS injection septa6
Outstanding SMH42 LIU-ABT review 20/11/2015 Status PS injection septa7 Engineering specification ECR Prototype would be useful to benchmark simulations with high precision.
Outline Injection septum SMH42 Injection bumper Resources Conclusion LIU-ABT review 20/11/2015 Status PS injection septa8
Injection bumper septum BSW42 2 GeV systemPresent 1.4 GeV Physical length [mm] Magnetic length [mm] Septum thickness [mm]5>6 Magnet gap height between poles [mm]7090 Magnet gap width between conductors [mm] Nominal deflection angle [mrad]13 Bgap [T]0.375 Integrated nominal field strength [T.m] Field homogeneity in gap w.r.t angular deflection in H [%]± 0.8 Peak current for nominal deflection [kA] Pulse width, half sine [ms] Max. induced voltage on magnet terminals when injection septum is pulsed [mV] 230n.a. Average duty cycle [s]1.2 ppm possibleyes LIU-ABT review 20/11/2015 Status PS injection septa9 ‘Direct drive like’ eddy current device proposed, using soft steel endplates to improve field homogeneity significantly
Field Quality Injection bumper septum Magnet very short w.r.t. aperture: poor field homogeneity due to end fields. Field homogeneity improved by introducing ‘direct drive like’ geometry and additional soft steel field clamps. LIU-ABT review 20/11/2015 Status PS injection septa10
‘Direct drive like’ eddy current septum LIU-ABT review 20/11/2015 Status PS injection septa11
Magnetic undershoot of field With half sine pulse, magnetic field shows in simulations post pulse ripple (undershoot). Presently not confirmed as yet by measurements on prototype. Mitigation to be found. LIU-ABT review 20/11/2015 Status PS injection septa12
Defined Injection bumper BSW42 Current tracking precision and stability. Based on MD measurements with timing variations between -+20 us. Based on jitter measurements on existing equipment. Field homogeneity. Effect of higher harmonics of bumper simulated, but negligible contribution to emittance blow up. No beam screen insert in magnet gap. LIU-ABT review 20/11/2015 Status PS injection septa13
Outstanding BSW42 Cross talk between magnets. First values appear counter intuitive: 30 mV induced on septum, 230 mV on bumper. Magnetic post pulse ripple mitigation. Power convertor characteristics to be finalised. Engineering specification (combined with injection septum). LIU-ABT review 20/11/2015 Status PS injection septa14
Mechanical concept design LIU-ABT review 20/11/2015 Status PS injection septa15 Coil fixation and copper box insulation defined. Remote displacement system planned to be recovered from existing system. EN/MME ‘bureau d’etude’ started. Space Reservation Request submitted. Vacuum equipment still tbd.
Outline Injection septum SMH42 Injection bumper Resources Conclusion LIU-ABT review 20/11/2015 Status PS injection septa16
Planning Injection septa Functional spec frozen by Christmas 2015 ECR Q Mechanical concept finalised 2015 Mechanical design finished Q Bumper prototype to be built Q Part procurement as from Q Assembly and testing 2017 LIU-ABT review 20/11/2015 Status PS injection septa17
Year PV EV AC Metrics per year in kCHF Cumulative metrics per year in kCHF PI.SMH42 & PI.BSW42 magnets Year PV EV 0 AC 19
Human resources Zsolt leaving 31/1/2015, will depend on Miro and Bruno for calculations. Mike and Jan available to follow up start of project in No technicians available in 2016 once part procurement is to start. EN/MME started in November on mechanical design based on Mike’s conceptual design APT data obsolete. LIU-ABT review 20/11/2015 Status PS injection septa19
Outline Injection septum SMH42 Injection bumper Resources Conclusion LIU-ABT review 20/11/2015 Status PS injection septa20
Conclusion Requirements quasi defined. Concept design well under way. Need for prototype bumper magnet demonstrated by Bruno measuring existing eddy current device. Human resources to be clarified. LIU-ABT review 20/11/2015 Status PS injection septa21
Documentation PS Injection Septa and Bumper Functional spec: (edms ), In work SRR: sent for approval ((edms )edms Engineering spec: to be done ECR: to be done PS Ring MU41 and MU42 Vacuum Chambers Functional specification: (edms ), released Functional specification: (edms ) ECR (TE/VSC): (edms ) engineering checkedms LIU-PS meeting 20/10/2015 Status injection equipment22