Entry mode -- Forename with lookup table
Entry mode -- Surname with lookup table
Entry mode -- Sex & Age Sex: Only M or F allowed. Age: Numeric only allowed
Entry mode -- Reg Dis., RD Suffix, Enum Dis. Enum Suffix, Page # These Fields are automated by capturing from the filename of the image
Verify mode -- Forename with lookup table If wrongly keyed it will show the key data with blue highlighter Then if a character of key1 data is wrong, we have to press Ctrl+F8 to accept the Verify key. Note that Ctrl+F8 is only for character wise
If all the character of key1 data is wrong, we have to press Ctrl+F9 to accept the Verify key with two times key Verify mode -- Age
Verify mode -- Reg Dis., RD Suffix, Enum Dis. Enum Suffix, Page # No need to verify these fields, since they are auto generated from the Filename
Output Format-- CSV (Comma Separated Value) Forename Surname Sex Age RD No. RD Suffix Enum No. / Suf. Page #