1. Define: Role Models 2. What are qualities that make up a role model? (Claim) 3. Who are some role models you can think of? (Evidence) 4. What about these people specifically makes them a role model (Reasoning) 1. Find your seat number 2. Sit down 3. Quietly Get started in your notebook. 4. You will have five minutes to finish it C: C: There should be no conversation. You may ask your neighbor for a pen or pencil if needed. H: H: To get help raise your hand A: A: Finish the worksheet at your desk in five minutes M: Movement : M: Movement : You should stay in your seat P: P: Are you participating? You are working on your worksheet S: S: Do all the things above and you will be successful
Marvelous Monday
Do Now (5) Agenda (2) Role Models Sticky Notes (5) YOUR Ideal Role Model (30 Minutes) Share out (10 Minutes) Inquiry Question: What are Role Models? Who are our Role Models? How does this affect development? + +++ MondayTuesdayWednesda y ThursdayFriday Inquiry: Your Role Models Inquiry: Real Role Model Develop a Plan: Who will you interview and what will you ask? Practice Interviews Paper Airplanes?
Write down 1 quality of a role model. In your Notebook: Create a Mind Map of qualities of a role model
Draw a picture of your IDEAL ROLE Model CLAIM: Who are they? What do they look like? What do they do? Evidence: What qualities do they have? Reasoning: Why do these qualities make them a role model to you? Make a visual representation of this person. Make it pretty. Show them doing something, being something, etc. 20 points inquiry grade.
This is a solo day. In your seat 100% of the time except for getting materials You may listen to music This is due at the end of class All materials must remain within your control All materials must be returned FIVE minutes before the end of class.
Share your ideal ROLE MODEL with ONE or TWO OTHER PEOPLE I will ask RANDOM people to present their partners role model before the end of class so be prepared to share The CLIAM EVIDENCE REASONING For your partner.
Write Down with three or four qualities of what you want this field trip experience to be.
Groups Cycle Through Storm Systems You The Experience Genetics/Hatchery Fab Lab You may bring $5 dollars.
What do you expect from yourself? This is what I Expect of You You need to bring a writing utensil Bring your design notebook to take your experiences down in. Write it down on a piece of paper We are representing BSI When someone from MSI is talking you are not You will be with the people you are supposed to be with You will be inquisitive about the museum while respecting the experience Your ID will show at all times We will use Conventional English We will raise our hand to ask questions
Every Wednesday after School Opportunity to Be Class Leaders You will get to build stuff in the Fab lab every week and get first hand experience Great For colleges Leader in the classroom you will teach fellow students what you’ve learned. 2-3 per class. If you are doing a Fall Sport this isn’t for you.
What are three really good questions you could ask about any exhibit? 3 things you want to learn about 2 things other questions 1 goal for tomorrow.
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