Family Life Education On June 25, 2015, the FCPS School Board voted to approve updates to the Family Life Education (FLE) program related to new state health standards and recommendations from the Family Life Education Curriculum Advisory Committee. These updates will not be implemented until the school year.
For school year , the Family Life Education program will remain unchanged from school year Parents/guardians will continue to be able to opt their child out of any or all Family Life Education instruction.
The family life education lessons for school year will be available to view on FCPS 24-7 Learning (Blackboard) through Parent View beginning in September The lessons that will reflect the updates approved by the School Board and that will go into effect during the school year have not been written. They will be available in September
For additional information, please access the frequently asked questions document and the program descriptions provided below or by contacting Instructional Services at
….whoever causes one of these little ones who believe in me to sin, it would be better for him to have a great millstone fastened around his neck and to be drowned in the depth of the sea. Matthew 18:6
The following are screen shots of the Family Life Education curriculum being taught NOW in Fairfax County Schools in grades – 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10. It does not include updates voted in June that are currently being written.
As parents, you have the right to access and review all FCPS FLE materials taught to your child. This can be done at the school. Or you can access almost all FLE materials through your FCPS Blackboard account.You must have an active password. If you do not have a password—get one from your school.
Starting in 5th grade through High School -- FCPS students are drilled every year on their knowledge of Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs) -- including chlamydia, gonorrhea, syphilis, genital herpes, HPV and HIV/AIDS.
5th grade Human Growth and Development lesson
6th grade Human Growth and Development Lesson 4 Sexually Transmitted Infections (STI’s)
6th grade Human Growth and Development lesson
7th grade Human Growth and Development Lesson
7th grade --Key Terms : Oral Sex and Intravenous drug use
7th grade Human Growth and Development exercise
Grade 7 Emotional and Social Health
8th grader Human Growth and Development
Oral sex mentioned 10 times in 8th grade curriculum Anal sex mentioned 21 times in 8th grade curriculum
8th grade Human Growth and Development
9th grade Human Growth and Development
9th grade teacher sexuality resources page
9th grade lesson on gender identity
9th grade Human Growth And Development
Emotional Revolution survey sent to FCPS High School Students in June Survey version sent to parents Survey version sent to students