GOOD PLANNING MAKES GOOD WRITING It is not possible to achieve depth and sophistication in your writing without planning thoroughly! Your response must address the “WHAT?”, “HOW?”, and “WHY?” factors. IT IS THROUGH ENCOUNTERING CONFLICT THAT AN INDIVIDUAL EITHER GROWS OR IS CORRUPTED.
STEP 1: WHAT IS THE PROMPT SUGGESTING? Re-word the prompt to figure out what it’s suggesting: e.g. An experience with conflict can make an individual grow. An experience with conflict can result in the corruption of an individual. IT IS THROUGH ENCOUNTERING CONFLICT THAT AN INDIVIDUAL EITHER GROWS OR IS CORRUPTED.
STEP 2: IDENTIFY THE KEYWORDS Encounter Conflict Grows Corrupted Individual Or **Note that the prompt suggests that the result of conflict is EITHER one end result OR the other. IT IS THROUGH ENCOUNTERING CONFLICT THAT AN INDIVIDUAL EITHER GROWS OR IS CORRUPTED.
STEP 3: ADD MEANING TO THE KEYWORDS These are very generic terms which need to be defined to provide depth to your writing. TASK 1: Add meaning to the keywords by listing as many examples or synonyms as you can: IT IS THROUGH ENCOUNTERING CONFLICT THAT AN INDIVIDUAL EITHER GROWS OR IS CORRUPTED. Encounter:ConflictGrow:Become corrupted:
STEP 3: ADD MEANING TO THE KEYWORDS IT IS THROUGH ENCOUNTERING CONFLICT THAT AN INDIVIDUAL EITHER GROWS OR IS CORRUPTED. Encounter:ConflictGrow:Become corrupted: ExperienceWarBecome mentally strongerBitterness SurviveRacismCement your valuesMistrust OvercomeSelf-loathingLearn to adaptLack empathy Be faced withNot belongingBecome more matureRevenge Some examples:
STEP 4: CONSTRUCT YOUR CONTENTION. Treat the prompt as an equation: will cause an individual to For example: conflict will cause an individual to (grow/become corrupted) **Mix and match the re-defined keywords from the previous brain storm to come up with your contention. IT IS THROUGH ENCOUNTERING CONFLICT THAT AN INDIVIDUAL EITHER GROWS OR IS CORRUPTED.
STEP 4: CONSTRUCT YOUR CONTENTION. An example: Racial conflict fuels resentment and irrational behaviour in those involved. Links to the prompt: Racial conflict (type of conflict) fuels (causes) resentment and irrational behaviour (corruption) in those involved (an individual). IT IS THROUGH ENCOUNTERING CONFLICT THAT AN INDIVIDUAL EITHER GROWS OR IS CORRUPTED.
STEP 5: PLAN YOUR IDEAS. Now that you have established your contention, you need to consider how you will explore it. TASK 1: Come up with 3-4 reasons ‘why’. These reasons will make up the ideas that you will explore in your writing. **If you are writing an essay, each idea will be explored in your body paragraphs TASK 2: Brainstorm different examples that support each of your ideas. **Your must draw some of your examples from ‘Freedom Writers’. You must also draw examples from other sources: e.g. other texts, historical events, Psychology theories, Sociology, Media, etc. IT IS THROUGH ENCOUNTERING CONFLICT THAT AN INDIVIDUAL EITHER GROWS OR IS CORRUPTED.
STEP 5: PLAN YOUR IDEAS. Contention: Racial conflict fuels resentment and irrational behaviour in those involved. To construct your ideas, consider WHY this is plausible. Note that each argument directly addresses the prompt. e.g. IT IS THROUGH ENCOUNTERING CONFLICT THAT AN INDIVIDUAL EITHER GROWS OR IS CORRUPTED. IDEA (WHY?)EXAMPLE (HOW?) Racial stereotypes are created, which turns into propaganda that the public believes. Historical: Anti-Semitic propaganda that Hitler fed to the German public in his Aryan Race campaign. Victims feel defensive, so they create exclusive ethnic minorities which causes further social divide. Freedom Writers: Ms. Gruwell’s class is divided by racial tension. Eva’s speech about why she hates white people. Multiculturalism and cultural acceptance is hindered by racism. Current Issue in Australian media: Asylum seekers in Australia.
STEP 6: PLAN YOUR WRITING. The next step is to decide how you will present these ideas in your writing. Even if you decide not to write an essay, you still must explore the prompt and your ideas in response throughout the piece, in a way that suits the form you have chosen. IT IS THROUGH ENCOUNTERING CONFLICT THAT AN INDIVIDUAL EITHER GROWS OR IS CORRUPTED.