V. Fundamentals of Fluid Dynamics
Contents 1. State of Stress in Moving Fluid 2. Equations of Motion 3. Bernoulli Equation
1. State of Stress in Moving Fluid
State of Stress in Static Fluid
State of Stress in Moving Fluid
Body force and inertia force are of higher order
Mean pressure
Constitutive Equation of Newtonian Fluid
2. Equation of Motion
External force acting on the control volume Net inflow of momentum through the surface of control volume Increase of momentum within the control volume per unit time Conservation of Momentum
Increase of momentum within the control volume
Net inflow of (x) momentum through the surface of control volume
Net inflow of momentum through the surface of control volume
External (x) force acting on the control volume
Conservation of Momentum
Equation of Motion
Navier-Stokes Equation
Navier-Stokes Equations
Governing Equations of Incompressible Fluid Motion
Governing Equations of Static Fluid Automatically satisfied
Governing Equations of Ideal Fluid Flows Euler Equation
3. Bernolli Equation
Bernoulli Equation for Irrotational Flows Basic Assumptions: Fluid is inviscid Fluid is incompressible Force has potential Flow is irrotational
Bernoulli Equation for Irrotational Flows
For steady flow under gravity
In static fluid under gravity
Bernoulli Equation for Steady Flows Basic Assumptions: Fluid is inviscid Fluid is incompressible Force has potential Flow is steady
Bernoulli Equation for Steady Flows
For flows under gravity
Velocity head Pressure head Position head Piezometric head
Kinetic Energy Pressure Potential Energy Gravity Potential Energy
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