Target Acq and Imaging Target Acq and Imaging Bright Object Constraints Bright Object Constraints COS or STIS? COS or STIS? COS Training Series III. Optimizing Observations (part 2) --- Soderblom, Friedman, Keyes February mm
Today’s talks Part 1 (Dave Soderblom): – Acquisitions with COS – Using COS/NUV for imaging Part 2 (Scott Friedman): – Bright object constraints Part 3 (Tony Keyes): – Comparing COS and STIS
COS or STIS? COS or STIS? COS Training Series III a.: Acquisitions and NUV Imaging --- Dave Soderblom --- (Scott Friedman, Brittany Shaw) 22 February mm
The story so far … COS is an new ultraviolet spectrograph for HST to be installed in SM4, built by a team in Boulder (J. Green, P.I., plus Ball Aerospace) The FUV channel is optimized for spectra of faint point sources at moderate resolution and signal-to-noise. The FUV detector is an open-faced XDL device, good for about 1100 to 1850 Å. The NUV channel was added by NASA to provide some additional capabilities. This now includes imaging and imaging acquisitions. The NUV detector is a STIS spare MAMA, good from about 1800 to 3200 Å. Both are used in TIME-TAG mode (also ACCUM) which includes real-time wavelength calibration.
COS Acquisitions COS is a small-aperture instrument; acquisitions are critical for success of the observation and for data quality. The quickest and most effective way to acquire – by far – is with an imaging acquisition. As part of its initial design, COS flight S/W includes the means to acquire and center targets using dispersed light.
COS optical schematics
What is COS Acquiring? 1450 Å, at PSA: 95% throughput (R. Makidon)
Corrected image at MAMA
Centering for throughput Precise centering not important for throughput; leeway of 0.5 arcsec
Centering for wavelength Precise centering is critical for wavelength accuracy: One NUV resel = 3 pixels = arcsec One NUV pixel = 1/40 arcsec = arcsec Centering goal should be about 0.01 to 0.02 arcsec Note that FUV resels are 6 pixels wide = arcsec; again about 0.01 to 0.02 arcsec acquisition is desired.
Imaging acquisition steps NUV ACQ/IMAGE is recommended for most cases: Quick Accurate Minimal overhead (~2 min) to switch to a grating of choice Pt-Ne lamp exposed WCA image location implies PSA location (to be checked in SMOV) Shutter opened, target image taken (TIME-TAG) for user-selected exposure time x 4 arcsec sub-array on MAMA read out (about 150 pixels square) and saved x 9 pixel checkbox array passed over image. Pixel with most counts determined The 9 x 9 array is centered on brightest pixel, and a flux-weighted centering algorithm used to calculate target position HST moved to this pointing and a verification image is taken and saved.
Imaging acquisition examples 1. Old (inactive) G dwarf, V = 13: Exposure time for S/N = 40 is 40 sec (ETC) Total time is (2 x 40 sec) + 7 min = ~9 min 2. QSO (flat spectrum), needs 10 orbits to get FUV spectrum to S/N = 20 at 1300 Å: Target flux is 1.3 FEFU G130M; Exposure time for S/N = 40 is 4.3 sec 3. QSO (flat spectrum), needs 10 orbits to get NUV spectrum to S/N = 20 at 1850 Å: Target flux is 3.7 FEFU G185M; Exposure time for S/N = 40 is 1.5 sec FEFU = Femto-erg flux unit = 10 –15 ergs cm –2 s –1 Å –1
Imaging acquisition limits Imaging mode is very sensitive. Local count rate screening limit is 80 per pixel per sec. For flat spectrum, what flux hits this limit? PSA + MIRRORA: 2 FEFU BOA + MIRRORA: 400 FEFU PSA + MIRRORB: 30 FEFU BOA + MIRRORB: 6,000 FEFU
Dynamic range for ACQ/IMAGE
Optical performance
Dispersed-light acquisitions 1 Some targets will be too bright for an imaging acquisition, even with the BOA and MIRRORB. But if an object is safe to get a spectrum of, it can always be acquired in dispersed light. COS can acquire targets using the spectrum itself: Pt-Ne lamp is exposed to locate aperture using known offset Spiral search (ACQ/SEARCH), with SCAN-SIZE = 2, 3, 4, or 5 per side FUV acq’s use sub-arrays to avoid airglow lines STEP-SIZE is also a choice, but default (1.767) recommended Several algorithms to find source; CENTER=FLUX-WT, FLUX-WT-FLR, or BRIGHTEST Exposure time about 40 sec for 1 FEFU flat source with G130M or G160M to get the recommended S/N = Quality of centering probably 0.1 to 0.2 arcsec.
Dispersed-light acquisitions 2 After the ACQ/SEARCH, can peak-up in both directions: PEAKXD for cross-dispersion direction: TIME-TAG spectrum obtained Mean location in x-d direction computed Known offset applied Telescope moved to centroid Good to 0.03 to 0.04 arcsec. PEAKD for along-dispersion direction: Like ACQ/SEARCH, but linear Telescope moved, exposed, centroid computed Can choose 3, 5 (=DEF), 7, or 9 steps, plus STEP-SIZE Centering options as for ACQ/SEARCH Individual spectra not saved, but total counts are
Dispersed-light examples Flat-spectrum sources, same “faint QSO” that needs 10 orbits to reach S/N = 20: FUV: G130M, 1300 Å: 60 counts/sec from spectrum, 27 sec exposure NUV: G185M, 1850 Å: 23 counts/sec from source, background = 16; 117 sec needed for S/N = 40 Note that these are exposure times per dwell point, plus 20 sec overhead per point; this is what makes D-L acq’s relatively slow.
Initial pointing and sky searches COS has a very small aperture (2.5 arcsec), although the image plane “sees” slightly more of the sky than that. How much sky should be searched (ACQ/SEARCH) to ensure a good acquisition every time without unduly wasting telescope time? The quality of dead-reckoning pointings after SM4 is not yet known, but with the advent of the GSC2 coordinate system and with regular aperture location determinations, initial pointings with errors < 1 arcsec are anticipated. Our Cycle 17 recommendation is that observers use a 2x2 spiral at the start of their acquisition sequence to guarantee acquiring the target. This may be eliminated in Cycle 18.
The spiral search Note default (and correct) STEP-SIZE = arcsec Initial point offset by half step if SCAN-SIZE = 2 or 4.
ACQs in Phase II To carry out an imaging acquisition, use Mode=ACQ/IMAGE, Config=COS/NUV Mode=ACQ/IMAGE, Config=COS/NUV Aperture=PSA or BOA; SpecEl = MIRRORA or MIRRORB Aperture=PSA or BOA; SpecEl = MIRRORA or MIRRORB There is one Optional Parameter: STRIPE [= DEF, SHORT, MEDIUM, LONG] There is one Optional Parameter: STRIPE [= DEF, SHORT, MEDIUM, LONG] The “length” refers to wavelength. The “length” refers to wavelength. No need to specify ordinarily, DEF=MEDIUM. No need to specify ordinarily, DEF=MEDIUM. G230L is an exception. G230L is an exception. Use ETC to calculate exposure time for S/N = 40. Use ETC to calculate exposure time for S/N = 40.
ACQs in Phase II (2) To carry out an imaging search phase, use Mode=ACQ/SEARCH, Config=COS/NUV Mode=ACQ/SEARCH, Config=COS/NUV Aperture=PSA or BOA; SpecEl = MIRRORA or MIRRORB Aperture=PSA or BOA; SpecEl = MIRRORA or MIRRORB As noted, SCAN-SIZE=2 is recommended unless coordinates are believed inferior. As noted, SCAN-SIZE=2 is recommended unless coordinates are believed inferior. STEP-SIZE can be specified, but DEF is recommended as it exactly fills sky. STEP-SIZE can be specified, but DEF is recommended as it exactly fills sky. CENTER specifies the algorithm CENTER specifies the algorithm FLUX-WT is default and recommended. FLUX-WT is default and recommended. BRIGHTEST returns to brightest pixel and is not recommended. BRIGHTEST returns to brightest pixel and is not recommended. FLUX-WT-FLR subtracts the “floor” value from all points and is recommended for NUV (higher background) and is default for STEP-SIZE = 3, 4, or 5. FLUX-WT-FLR subtracts the “floor” value from all points and is recommended for NUV (higher background) and is default for STEP-SIZE = 3, 4, or 5.
ACQs in Phase II (3) To carry out a dispersed-light acquisition, use first Mode=ACQ/SEARCH, Config=COS/FUV (or NUV) Mode=ACQ/SEARCH, Config=COS/FUV (or NUV) Aperture=PSA or BOA; SpecEl = grating Aperture=PSA or BOA; SpecEl = grating Choose SCAN-SIZE and STEP-SIZE. Choose SCAN-SIZE and STEP-SIZE. CENTER specifies the algorithm; same as above. CENTER specifies the algorithm; same as above. Then use ACQ/PEAKXD to center in cross-dispersion direction Then use ACQ/PEAKXD to center in cross-dispersion direction No Optional Parameters No Optional Parameters Then use ACQ/PEAKD to center along wavelength. Then use ACQ/PEAKD to center along wavelength. NUM-POS (linear), STEP-SIZE, and CENTER as above. NUM-POS (linear), STEP-SIZE, and CENTER as above.
Extended sources (NUV)
COS Training Series III b.: Bright Object Issues --- Scott Friedman February mm
Agenda Bright object concerns Limit checks Count rate limits Bright object mitigation strategies APT is your friend A special bonus…if there is time - Pulse Height Distribution
Bright Object Concerns Excessive count rates can damage any microchannel plate detector All microchannel plate detectors on HST have bright object limits – STIS (FUV MAMA, NUV MAMA), ACS (SBC) Both COS detectors (FUV XDL, NUV MAMA) subject to bright object limits After SM4 there will be 5 working MCP detectors on HST Every science target and all nearby field targets for every COS observation will have to be cleared for safety. This is a large but necessary burden for observers, PCs, and CSs.
FUV Overlight Limit Checks HV power supply overcurrent limits – HVAI, HVBI, and AUXI monitored for magnitude and persistence – Triggered if current exceeds I max for time > t min Global Rate Monitor – Local limit reached before global limit – Value set to limit dead-time induced non-linearity Local Rate Check – Performed over localized area prior to each exposure
NUV Overlight Limit Checks Bright Scene Detection – Monitors pairs of anode rows with 32 row spacing – Applicable to extended objects more than point sources Software Global Monitor – 0.1 second sampling time fastest of all checks – Ineffective above 4 10 6 counts sec -1 due to electronics limitations Local Rate Check – Performed over localized area prior to each exposure
CARD Count Rate Limits (Constraints and Requirements Document) FUV Detector – 1500 counts sec -1 resel -1 local limit – No global safety limit set because local limit more restrictive > 21,000 counts sec -1 segment -1 for no data loss NUV Detector – 4500 counts sec -1 resel -1 local limit – 1.5 10 6 counts sec -1 global limit
Count Rate Limits
Count Rate Screening Limits
Local and Global Flux Limits 1 FEFU = erg cm -2 sec -1 Å -1
Bright Object Mitigation Strategies Use Bright Object Aperture (BOA) – Available for all modes (spectroscopy, imaging, target acquisition) – Wedge in BOA degrades resolution by factor of 3-5
Bright Object Mitigation Strategies Use MIRRORB – Attenuates by a factor of ~25 (3.5 magnitudes) – Forms double image
Bright Object Checking in APT Target and field objects must be checked for safety PSA and BOA displayed on DSS image – Aperture transmissions separately correct GALEX catalog information can be imported into APT – AIS has FUV ( p = 1524 ) and NUV bands ( p = 2297 ) – AIS has FUV ( p = 1524 Å) and NUV bands ( p = 2297 Å) – Very useful for clearing objects
APT Listing of Objects in FOV QSO with nearby field star
PSA zone
BOA zone
GALEX AIS Sky Coverage Tiles of All-Sky Imaging Survey (AIS)
GALEX All-Sky Imaging Survey Covers only a fraction of the sky – ~60% when DR4 released next month – ~75% when complete Areas not covered: – Galactic plane – Large and Small Magellanic Clouds
Bright Object Issues - Summary Both COS MCP detectors are subject to damage if subject to overlight conditions All science targets and field objects must be checked for safety The BOA (for all observing modes) and MIRRORB (for NUV imaging only) can be used to attenuate light Bright Object Tool in APT has many useful features – GALEX data can accurately clear objects (or not!) – ORIENT specification can be used to avoid bright field objects (but use this sparingly)
Pulse Height Distribution A few more words…
Microchannel Plates Wiza, 1979
Microchannel Plates
Pulse Heights (FUV only) Pulse height thresholding can be used to screen photons Default thresholding will be determined during SMOV Threshold Modal Gain FUSE
COS or STIS? COS or STIS? COS Training Series III c.: Instrument Introduction (continued) --- Tony Keyes February mm
STIS or COS? COS is 10-30x faster than STIS in FUV at R=20,000 for point sources; even greater advantage at faint end due to low noise and pulse-height discrimination capability COS has quite degraded resolution for extended objects (see table below); for FUV, portions of objects closer than 1 arcsec apart will overlap; for NUV, spectrum stripes will partially overlap for objects more than 1 arcsec in spatial extent R R R source size G140L G130M G230L point " diameter " diameter " diameter " diameter " diameter
COS or STIS? In NUV, COS M mode observing is inefficient for cases requiring large spectral coverage In NUV, COS background rate is expected to be 4x lower than STIS, but is TBD COS has no resolution higher than 20,000 and is a UV- only instrument COS FUV TIME-TAG mode includes the pulse-height for superior noise rejection STIS TIME-TAG has higher time-resolution and may be used on brighter targets The answer depends upon your application: refer to the IHBs and use the ETCs to evaluate your targets
Limiting Flux to achieve S/N=10 in 3600 sec exposures with uniform binning corresponding to R~20,000 (0.08 Å). COS PSA aperture used; STIS slit losses included.
Limiting Flux to achieve S/N=10 in 3600 sec exposures with uniform binning corresponding to R~20,000 (0.12 Å). COS PSA aperture used; STIS slit losses included.