Depart: Wednesday, 24 February. Southwest Flight Return: Saturday, 27 February. Southwest Flight 7:45AM Arrive 9:45am. Itinerary
Transportation / Accommodation Details and Requirements George will arrange and list all K8 members on the flights. For Flight Listing George Needs: -YOUR FULL NAME (Exactly As it appears on your Drivers License). -YOUR DATE OF BIRTH (MM-DD-YYYY). - YOUR ADDRESS. - info to George at or use Sign-Up Sheet provided at Winter Meeting 28 Jan. (Steakhouse Restaurant). Once I receive you FULL NAME and DATE OF BIRTH, you will Be Signed-UP for the Trip. Once I receive your Info, I will List you on the Flights, and Southwest will forward you an of your flight itinerary. I will give your ticket to you at the airport terminal on 24 Feb. Accommodations at Mike (Primary) or Matt (Secondary) Rogers House: Mike Rogers 2435 Durbin Creek Blvd. ST. Johns, FL POC INFO: George: C: (410) Mike: C: (904) George will get Rental Car at JAX Airport if 6 or more people Are signed-up.