Behavioral Objectives Chapter 10 1
Characteristics of Goals and Objectives Definition of Terms Goals: the final outcome of what is achieved at the end of the teaching-learning process. are global and broad and serve as long-term targets for both the learner and the teacher. and achievable in weeks or months. 2
Characteristics of Goals and Objectives Objectives: Is a specific, single behavior are short-term and should be achievable at the end of one teaching session or within a matter of a few days following a series of teaching session. 3
Characteristics of Goals and Objectives (cont’d) Behavioral learner Objectives are action-oriented, rather than content-oriented and learner-centered rather than teacher-centered Educational/Instructional Objectives: content-oriented, teacher-centered outcomes of the education process in reference to an aspect of a program or a total program of study 4
Differences Between Goals and Objectives GoalsObjectives globalspecific broadsingular long-term-achieved in weeks or months short-term-achieved at the end of one teaching session or within a matter of a few days following a series of teaching sessions 5
6 Responsibility for Establishing Goals and Objectives If the teaching –learning process is to be successful then Setting of goals and objectives must be a mutual decision-making process between the teacher and the learner It is the responsibility for both parties to participate in the decision-making process and “buy into” the immediate objectives and ultimate goals
7 combination what the learner wants to learn and what the teacher has assessed the learner needs to know provides for a mutually accountable, respectful, and fulfilling educational experience
The importance of using behavioral objectives for teaching Three Major Advantages to Writing Objectives 1-Provides basis for selection and design of instructional content, methods, and materials 2-Provides learner with means to organize efforts toward accomplishing objectives 3-Allows for determination as to the extent objectives have been accomplished 8
Careful construction of objectives Keeps teaching learner-centered Communicates plan to others Helps learners stay on track Organizes educational approach Ensures process is deliberate Tailors teaching to learner’s needs Creates guideposts for teacher evaluation Focuses attention on learner Orients teacher and learner to outcomes Make it easier for learner to visualize performing 9
Writing Behavioral Objectives Three important characteristics 1. Performance—describes what the learner is expected to be able to do 2. Condition—describes the situation under which behavior will be observed 3. Criterion—describes how well or with what accuracy the learner must be able to perform 10
Writing Behavioral Objectives Following a class on hypertension, (condition) the patient will be able to state (performance) three out of four causes of high blood pressure (criteria) 11
Common Mistakes When Writing Objectives Describing what the instructor rather than the learner is expected to do Including more than one behavior in a single objective Forgetting to include all three characteristics Using performance terms that are not action- oriented and are difficult to measure 12
Common Mistakes (cont’d) Writing an unattainable, unrealistic objective Writing objectives unrelated to stated goal Cluttering an objective with unnecessary information Making an objective too general so that the outcome is not clear 13
Taxonomy of Objectives Behavior is defined according to type (domain category) and level of complexity (simple to complex). Three Types of Learning Domains 1. Cognitive—the “thinking” domain 2. Affective—the “feeling” domain 3. Psychomotor—the “skills” domain 14
Complexity of Domain Levels Objectives in each domain are classified in a taxonomic form of hierarchy into low (most simple), medium (moderately difficult), and high (most complex) levels of behavior. Cognitive Levels Knowledge evaluation Affective Levels Receiving characterization Psychomotor Perceptionorigination 15
The cognitive domain (thinking) objectives in this domain are divided into six levels Knowledge; ability of the learner to memorize, recall Comprehension; ability of the learner to demonstrate understanding Application; ability of the learner to use ideas, principle in concrete situation---writing, reading, or handling equipment 16
The cognitive domain (thinking) Analysis/ ability to recognize information by breaking it in to smaller parts e.g. (After reading handouts provided by the nurse, the family member will calculate the correct number of total grams of protein included on average per day in the family diet) 17
The cognitive domain (thinking) Synthesis/ability to put together parts or element to create a unique product e.g. (Given a sample list of foods, the patient will write a menu to include foods from the four food groups" diary, meat, vegetables& fruits, and grains" in the recommended amounts for daily intake) Evaluation to judge the value of some thing 18
Affect domain Known as “feeling” domain. learning influencing feelings expressed as emotions, interests, attitudes, values, and appreciations. Affective domain divided into five categories Receiving Responding Valuing Organization Characterization 20
Example of behavioral objective in the affective domain Receiving: During a group discussion, the patient will admit to any fears he may have about needing to undergo a repeat angioplasty. Responding: At end of one-to-one instructions, the child will verbalize feeling of confidence in managing her asthma using Peak Flow Tracking Chart 21
22 Affective domain encompasses three levels that govern attitudes & feelings The intrapersonal level personal perception of ones own self (self concept, self awareness) The interpersonal level (self in relation to others) The extra personal level (others as established groups)
Psychomotor domain Is known as (skills), objectives in this domain divided into seven categories Perception Set Guided response Mechanism Complex overt response Adaptation Origination 23
Psychomotor domain example Guided response level : “ after watching a 15 minute video on the procedure for self- examination of the breast, the client will perform the exam on a model with 100% accuracy Set level : “ following demonstration of proper use of crutches, the patient will attempt to walk using the correct three- point gait technique 25
Teaching in the Cognitive Domain Learning in this domain involves acquisition of information based on the learner’s intellectual abilities and thinking processes. Methods most often used to stimulate learning in the cognitive domain include: Lecture One-to-one instruction Computer-assisted instruction 26
Teaching in the Cognitive Domain (cont’d) Cognitive domain learning is the traditional focus of most teaching Cognitive knowledge is an essential prerequisite for learning affective and psychomotor skills 27
Teaching in the Affective Domain Learning in this domain involves commitment to feelings; the degree to which feelings or attitudes are incorporated into one’s personality or value system 28
Teaching in the Affective Domain (cont’d) Methods most often used to stimulate learning in the affective domain include: Group discussion Role-playing Role-modeling Simulation gaming Questioning 29
Teaching in the Affective Domain (cont’d) Nurses are encouraged to attend to the needs of the whole person by recognizing that learning is subjective and values driven More time in teaching needs to focus on exploring and clarifying learner feelings, emotions, and attitudes 30
Teaching in the Psychomotor Domain Learning in this domain involves acquiring fine and gross motor abilities with increasing complexity of neuromuscular coordination. Methods most often used to stimulate learning in the psychomotor domain include: Demonstration Return demonstration Simulation Gaming Self-instruction 31
Teaching in the Psychomotor Domain (cont’d) Psychomotor skill development is very egocentric and requires learner concentration Asking questions that demand a cognitive or affective response during psychomotor learning interferes with psychomotor performance 32
Teaching in the Psychomotor Domain (cont’d) The ability to perform a skill is not equivalent to learning a skill “Practice makes perfect”—repetition leads to perfection and reinforcement of behavior 33
Factors Influencing Psychomotor Skill Acquisition The amount of practice required to learn a new skill varies with the individual depending upon such things as: Readiness to learn Past experience Health status Environmental stimuli 34
Factors Influencing Psychomotor Skill Acquisition (cont’d) Anxiety level Developmental stage Practice session length Motivation to learn 35
Development of Teaching Plans Predetermined goals and objectives serve as a basis for developing a teaching plan Mutually agreed upon goals and objectives clarify what the learner is to learn and what the teacher is to teach 36
Reasons to Construct Teaching Plans 1. To force the teacher to examine the relationship among the steps of the teaching process and to ensures a logical approach to teaching. 2. To communicates in writing and in an outline format exactly what is being taught, how it is being taught and evaluated, and the time allotted for accomplishment of behavioral objectives. 3. To legally document that an individual plan for each leaner is in place is being properly implemented. 37
Basic Elements of a Teaching Plan The Purpose A statement of the overall Goal A list of Objectives An outline of the related Content The instructional Methods of teaching Time allotted for the teaching for each objective The instructional Resources (materials/tools) needed The method used to Evaluating learning 38
The Concept of Learning Curve Learning Curve: is a term commonly used to determine how long it takes for a learner to acquire a knowledge, attitudes, or motor skill It is a graphic depiction of changes in psychomotor performance at different stages of practice during a specified time period Six stages of the theoretical learning curve 39
Learning curve 40
The Concept of Learning Curve Stages of learning curve Negligible progress: pre–readiness period when the learner is not ready Increasing gains: rapid gains in learning occur Decreasing gain: Plateau: no significant gains are made Renewed gain: Approach to limit: progress become small The individual learning curves characterized by irregularity 41
Summary Assessment of the learner is a prerequisite to formulating objectives. Writing clear and concise behavioral objectives is fundamental to the education process. Goals and objectives serve as a guide to planning, implementation, and evaluation of teaching and learning. 43
Final Exam رمز المساق: اسم المساق: الوقت : اليوم : التاريخ : تض310 التواصل والتثقيف الصحي 08: :15 الاثنين القاعةسعة القاعة NG42 د. أحلام الناطور الاستاذ محمد التميمي SF07د. عبير قنديل 44