Time is of the Essence Battling Procrastination Finding a Balance Creating a Workable Class Schedule
Reflect: What tasks best align with goals & values? Identify tasks needed to meet your objectives Rank tasks by urgency Consider your whole person when setting priorities.
Use a daily or weekly planner Maintain a To-Do list Schedule your time week by week
Enter the details on the planner, which leaves less room for error Use a planner that is convenient for your life style( web-based, paper, app) Revise schedule as needed, because the more you take time to plan the more free time you will have.
Include detail such as: Academic life Assignments and test details. due dates, test dates, instructor or advisor office hours Work responsibilities Work schedule Extracurricular activities Ball practice Personal life Birthdays, Doctor appointments
Set realistic goals for study time Use waiting time well Know the best times to study Control distractions Avoid multitasking Be flexible
Determine a realistic workload Learn to say “no” Adjust your schedule if you have overextended yourself.
Create a to-do list Divide a big job into smaller ones Tackle challenging assignments first Build in Rewards Work in intervals and take breaks
Align to-do list with time expectations Check off your To-Do list for a sense of accomplishment
1.Schedule study dates with a classmate to keep each other on task. 2.Move to a different location when your room or home becomes too much of a distraction. 3.Set Smartphone alarms to remind you to get working. 4.Give friends permission to point out when you’re procrastinating. 5.Block out a few 30-minute chunks to enjoy Facebook and respond to rather than checking throughout the day
Be on time to class Follow your planner Meet due dates for assignments All work and no play isn’t a good solution. Be flexible.