BY: Zach Nelson
Tunisia police were cracking down on setting a curfew in their country. People were breaking into to store and other important places in their country. The curfew was going to be enforced when it hit nightfall. So no one should’ve been out after dark. They were trying to stop militias from breaking into shops and government buildings. The streets are mostly deserted in Tunisia. At mostly every interchange, an army force stood guard. Some buildings were guarded with about 40 men to protect the building. They were usually holding wooden sticks. The militia is still upset with the protest of last week. They were just trying to make their country better. The Tunisian people were upset because they were without jobs. That means they couldn’t make money and couldn’t provide for their families, so they got rid of the president of Tunisia. He ruled for 23 years and his name was Zine Al- Abidine Ben Ali. Tunisia
Algeria Government protesters are being attacked in Algeria's’ capital. Protesters organized a national meeting for democracy and change in Algeria were violently attacked Saturday morning. Algeria’s oldest national party proposed a opposition to participate in a peaceful struggle for change in Algeria. They believe if they have a peaceful struggle every day the country will change and get better. They said they are going to try to not be caught in fighting or arguing. They are going to make their country peaceful. They believe if they do this they will not have nearly as many problems.
Egypt These current events took place on February 11, The president of Egypt Hosni Mubarak resigned today and decided no longer to be the president of Egypt. On the streets of Cairo and across Egypt, people were being nonviolent and were trying to make their lives better for the future. The Egyptian authorities have to continue to listen to the people and continue to make changes toward democracy and justice. In our work with groups in the Middle East We have a desire for a political change in Egypt.
Libya Major government protests have broken out in Libya and since then have gotten even worse. There has been a 42 year old regime for Libya’s leader Muammar al Qadhafi. some sources have reported that forces have taken over Benghazi which is Libya’s second-largest city. When Libyans government took responsibility for the actions of its regard to the 1988 bombing of Pan Am Flight 103 and announced its decision to eliminate its weapons.
Saudi Arabia Saudi Arabia wants a lot of change in their country. They mostly want to change women's rights in their country. For example, Saudi Arabia wants women to be able to own their own business and can make as much money as men do. Some are talking about the change of Justice Minister which is the line in the judicial reform that started weeks ago. They also want changes in their education.
Jordan The Pro-government and the anti- government have had some arguments over the past few weeks. On Friday it ended and the protests were over. During the protests they were holding Jordan banners, signs, and flags. The anti- government protesters were attacked by men with sticks to stop their protests. They now said that Jordan is getting better.
Yemen The protests that have started in Tunisia have moved outward toward Egypt and have now reached Yemen. Now thousands of protesters stand out in the streets of the capital of Yemen. The women want to be the leaders of Yemen. They say they will not back down either. There is tons of violence throughout Yemen all over their country. They want a result that will stop all of the violence. To stop the violence they are thinking about overthrowing the president, Ali Abdullah Saleh.
Syria Syria’s president says he is going to allow more freedom throughout the country. Syria must allow all of the political parties who believe in democracy to be established. They have to release all of the political prisoners, allow peaceful freedom of expression and association, and they need to end media and Internet censorship. Also they must start processes to end state corruption. These things will help the country be more free and peaceful.