By Linda T-D Perspectives on the status of Sensory Integration Theory
Abstract What type of research paper is this? What are the purposes of this paper ? What is the background of the author? Is she from the field of pediatric?
Overview of the model of analysis- What is synchronic ( 同時的 一次的 )model? What is diachronic ( 歷史的 長時間的 )model? What is Model 1 research? What is model 2 research?
Basic Effectiveness Research: model 1 Synchronic model: Has the feedback loop it suggested been studied before? What did this model suggest? Diachronic model: What did this model suggest? What are the unexamined implication ( 暗示 ) of the feedback loop in this model?
From the “if” to the “how” of the therapeutic effectiveness Why is the replication ( 複製 )of the research is important? P429 What is moderating factor? What is mediating factor?
The search for the moderating factors Give me an example for moderating factors related to the qualities of the patient in the past SI research If past a certain age, SI therapy does not appear to be as beneficial as at the earlier ages, why is there research showing the SI treatment effectiveness with adults? Give me some more examples for moderating factors related to the qualities of the patient
The search for the moderating factors P429 Give me examples for moderating factors related to the treatment What is meta-analysis? What are the some unexplored moderating factors?
The mediation of effectiveness: model 2 –Synchronic model 2 p430 What are the 3 qualities that promote correct inferences about the non-observable elements in the model? What type of equipment can be used to measure the peripheral organ reception of input? What type of equipment can be used to measure muscle response?
Diachronic model 2 Can you observe the brain change in a living organism? what are the indirect observable variables?
Conclusion What is this paper about? Is this paper a best representation of current SI theory? What is the best way to remedy ( 修復 )the ignorance from other professions?