CEE 626 MASONRY DESIGN SLIDES Slide Set 4C Reinforced Masonry Spring 2015
(ASD&SD) DESIGN RM WALLS -AXIAL &FLEXURE LOADS If Load bearing there is a vertical load May be eccentrically Applied Roof/floor Diaphragm Supports Wall CODE - COMBINED LOADING – GIVES ASSUMPTIONS AND SAYS USE MECHANICS – THUS INTERACTION DIAGRAMS – CODE SECTION 8.3
Flexure and Axial Load with Reinforced Masonry ASD – Interaction diagrams reinforced masonry walls and pilasters Present design techniques and aids for design problems involving combinations of flexure and axial force interaction diagrams by hand and by spreadsheet Briefly present reinforced masonry columns Repeat with strength design
Design for Axial Forces and flexure-(OP similar for IP) ASD Interaction Diagrams Code Section 8.3 COMBINED AXIAL STRESS AND COMPRESSION BENDING STRESS = just add fa+fb (no interaction equation) Maximum compressive stress in masonry from axial load plus bending must not exceed ( 0.45 ) f’m Axial compressive stress must not exceed allowable axial stress from Code – Axial forces limited Eq.8-21 or 8-22. Note same result . Limit tension stress in reinforcing to Fs – usually 32,000 psi – Compression steel similar if tied (not usual – columns)
Limit P allied ≤ P allowable (axial compressive capacity) Code Equations (8-21) and (8-22) Slenderness reduction coefficients – same as unreinforced masonry. Compression reinforcing must be tied as per to account for it. Ie FS = 0 (compression) if not tied. (8-21) (8-22)
Axial Compression in Bars Can be accounted for if tied as: Lateral ties ..: (a) Longitudinal reinforcement .. enclosed by lateral ties at least 1/4 in …diameter. (b) Vertical spacing of lateral ≤16 longitudinal bar diameters, lateral tie bar or wire diameters, or least cross-sectional dimension of the member. (c) Lateral ties shall be arranged such that every corner and alternate longitudinal bar shall have lateral support provided by the corner of a lateral tie with an included angle of not more than135 degrees. No bar … farther than 6 in. (152 mm) clear… from such a laterally supported bar. Lateral ties … in either a mortar joint or in grout. Where longitudinal bars … circular ties shall be 48 tie diameters. d) Lateral ties shall be located ….one-half lateral tie spacing above the top of footing or slab in any story, …one-half a lateral tie spacing below the lowest horizontal reinforcement in beam, … (e) Where beams or brackets frame into a … not more than 3 in…. such beams or brackets.
Allowable – Stress Interaction Diagrams Also See MDG Ch. 9. stress is proportional to strain ; assume plane sections ; vary strain ( stress ) gradient and position of neutral axis to generate combinations of P and M Reminder for unreinforced masonry allowable stress in compression is governed by pure axial capacity , unity equation ( combinations of flexural and axial stress ) or buckling allowable stress in tension is governed by flexural tensile capacity
Allowable – Stress Interaction Diagrams Walls Linear elastic theory – no tension in masonry it is ignored – Stress proportional to strain Limit combined compression stress to Fb = 0.45 F’m P ≤ Pa d usually = t/2 compression Simply assume a stress distribution and back calculate a P & M combination for Equilibrium Go through Abrams analysis similar MDG 9.4.6 – pg 9-23
Get equivalent force couple at Centerline of wall thickness
Allowable – Stress Interaction Diagrams Walls No. 5bars centered(typ.) d=3.81” 48” Example 9.4-2 & 9.4-3 & 9.4-4 8” cmu with #5 @ 48 in OC f’m = 1500 psi Based on Effective width = 48 in. 9.4-2 shows hand calcs. with M = 0 P = 137.2 kips For P = 0 , Ms governs and Ms= 33.07 kip.in (note guessed at j but close) These were then ÷ 4ft to get capacities per ft P = 34.3 kips/ft and M= 8.27 kip.in/ft Balance point was determined and P and M for this was determined Interaction diagrams - 3 point and full were constructed – 9.4-2 and 9.4-3 then compared to applied loads in 9.4-4 Complete interaction diagram (see MDG 9.4-4) and over.
MDG 9.4-3&4 revised Fs/n kd fb kd fb fs Fb= 0.25 f’mR+?
Fs/n kd fb
MDG 9.4-3&4 revised fs kd fb kd fb fs Fb= 0.25 f’mR+?
MDG 9.4-3&4 revised
MDG 9.4-3&4 revised
Check .6D + .6W at mid-height Would also have check other load combos MDG 9.4-3&4 P = 1000 lb/ft e = 2.48 in 18 psf If P = all dead load Check .6D + .6W at mid-height Would also have check other load combos 0.6D + .6W at mid-height often governs Per foot of wall (see Example) P at mid-height including weight of wall P= 756 lb/ft (0.6 D) and M = 7,425 lb.in/ft (0.6D+0.6W) You would need to look at other load cases and at the top of the wall. 3.33’ Roof/floor Diaphragm Supports Wall 16.67’
MDG Has Three Designs Ch 16 – TMS Shopping Center
MDG Has Three Designs Ch 18 – RCJ Hotel
CHAPTER 17 BIG BOX STORE Example DPC BOX - 02 ASD —Reinforced Loadbearing Wall See Box 00 & 01(Load Dist) See MDG BOX 02 ASD Ch17
Strength Interaction Diagrams MDG 10.4.5 Code Section 9.3 for reinforced masonry flexural tensile strength of masonry is neglected equivalent rectangular compressive stress block with maximum stress 0.80 fm , 1 = 0.80 stress in tensile reinforcement proportional to strain , but not greater than fy stress in compressive reinforcement calculated like stress in tensile reinforcement , but neglected unless compressive reinforcement is laterally tied Note f = for combined axial and flexure = 0.9
Strength Interaction Diagrams . . . vary strain ( stress ) gradient and position of neutral axis to generate combinations of P and M – using max stress in masonry = 0.8 f’m over a compression block and max steel stress = fy Also limit Pu applied to ≤ Pn - Eq 9-19 and Eq 9-20 Eq 9-19 R Eq 9-20 R
Assumptions of Strength Design MCL Axial Load,P h/2 c s y mu = 0.0035 clay 0.0025 concrete Reinforcement a fy 0.80 f’m 1 = 0.80 Locate neutral axis based on extreme - fiber strains Calculate compressive force C P = C - Ti (reduced?) MCL = C(h/2-a/2)± Ti yi Ti C yi One or more Rebars h
Strength Interaction Example vary c / d from zero to a large value when c = cbalanced , steel is at yield strain , and masonry is at its maximum useful strain when c < cbalanced , fs = fy when c > cbalanced , fs < fy Compute nominal axial force and moment Pn = fi Mn = fi x yi ( measured from centerline )
Design of Walls for Out-of–Plane Loads: TMS 402 Section 9.3.5 Maximum reinforcement by Nominal shear strength by Three procedures for computing out – of – plane moments and deflections - Load Side Second – order analysis - Computer Moment magnification method (new) Complementary moment method; additional moment from P – δ effects – Slender wall analysis The 2013 code allows three methods for out-of-plane to account for slenderness effects. Second-order analysis: most computer programs can do this Moment magnification: this is new in the 2013 Code; it eliminates some of the restrictions/limitations in previous codes, such as simple support, moment approximately at midheight, and an axial load limit. Complementary moment: this is the “slender wall” method that has been in strength design since the its inception in the MSJC. This is more accurate, but difficult to apply for other than simply supported walls with the moment approximately at mid-height.
Design of Walls for Out-of–Plane Loads: TMS 402 Section Moment Magnification Mu < Mcr: Ieff = 0.75In Mu ≥ Mcr: Ieff = Icr
Design of Walls for Out-of–Plane Loads: TMS 402 Section Complementary Moment – Iterative? Eq. 9-29 for Mu < Mcr Eq. 9-30 for Mu ≥ Mcr
Design of Walls for Out-of–Plane Loads: TMS 402 Section Or Solve Equations for Mu - 2 eq. 2 unknows Mu < Mcr Mu ≥ Mcr Although a lot of engineers iterate to find Mu, Code equations 9-27 and 9-30 are two simultaneous linear equations in two unknowns (Mu and δu), so they can be solved for one of the unknowns.
Design of Walls for Out-of–Plane Loads: Design Procedure Estimate amount of reinforcement from the following equations. This neglects P – δ effects. Can estimate increase in moment, such as 10%, for a preliminary estimate of amount of reinforcement.
DESIGN of REINF MASONRY WALLS Do example 10.4-3 and 10.4-5 in MDG
DESIGN of REINF MASONRY WALLS - Out of Plane loads – Axial and flexure Should check shear but never a problem out of plane for LB and non LB walls.
Prescriptive requirements for columns Code 5.3 – Columns . . . Design Masonry (ASD&SD) Not used often Prescriptive requirements for columns Code 5.3 – Columns . . . See Slide set 3
Allowable – Stress Interaction Diagrams Columns P compression controls tension controls b e Fb fb 1 d 5 t d gt 5 4 Fs /n 3 2 1 fs /n fs / n Fs / n fb Fb States of Stress - Note the code requires a minimum Eccentricity of 0.1 t
Allowable – Stress Interaction Diagrams allowable – stress interaction diagram by spreadsheet column example of MDG CMU f ‘ m = 1500 psi f ‘ g = 2700 psi 16 – in . square column 4 - #7 bars 9.38 in. 15.63 in. 9.38 in.
. . . Allowable – Stress Interaction Example 150 100 P, kips 50 50 100 150 200 250 300 -50 M, in.-kips See Column Example in MDG RCJ 03 -
. . . Distinction between columns and pilasters - Pilasters are thickened sections of masonry walls , are not isolated members , and are not columns Pilasters need not be reinforced nor have 4 bars If pilaster capacity includes the effect of longitudinal reinforcement , however , that reinforcement must be tied laterally MASONRY COLUMNS MUST BE REINFORCED
Forces on Pilaster – Wall System See MDG – Chapter 7 mid - height of pilaster out – of – plane reaction from diaphragm gravity load wind or earthquake load pilaster moment about in – plane axis wall moment about vertical axis
MDG 7.5-18 : Examples of Coursing Layouts for Hollow Unit Pilasters Alternate Courses 16 x 24 – in. pilaster 16 x 16 – in. pilaster Fig. 7.5-18 Coursing Layout for Hollow Unit Pilasters
Pilasters Flexural/axial design of pilasters by allowable – stress provisions is as discussed previously. Flexural/axial design of pilasters by strength provisions is as discussed previously.