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Home Search Search/Input What do you want to do ? Screen details>> Management options Add users Update User information Identification information Permissions
Identification Please type your employee number and password ******* Employee Number Password Cancel Continue (the search only path) Screen details>>
Identification_for_Input Please type your employee number and password ******* Employee Number Password Cancel Screen details>> Continue (the search/Input path)
Search_Options What do you want to look for ? Cancel Screen details>> Problem troubleshooting data Parameter Information data
Troubleshooting_Options Cancel Screen details>> ProblemDVD FormatMolding Machine Asym_Layer 0_Low Asym_Layer 0_High Jitter_Layer0_High Jitter_Layer 1_High DVD 5 DVD9 DVD 10 Sumitomo Meiki Emould What problem do you have ? Display Certified Solutions Display certification pending solutions
Troubleshooting_Certified_Solutions Close Screen details>> ProblemDVD FormatMolding Machine Jitter_Layer 1_High DVD9Meiki Certified Solutions to the problem requested Print
Troubleshooting_UnCertified_Solutions Screen details>> ProblemDVD FormatMolding Machine Jitter_Layer 1_High DVD9Meiki NOT Certified Solutions to the problem requested PrintClose
Notification_of_newC-Solutions Screen details>> Sorry, since you executed a query to this problem : PROBLEM-DVDFORMAT-MOLDING MACHINE {Value} {Value} {Value} There have not been any new CERTIFIED solutions added since your last query OK
Notification_of_newNC-Solutions Screen details>> Sorry, since you executed a query to this problem : PROBLEM-DVDFORMAT-MOLDING MACHINE {Value} {Value} {Value} There have not been any new NON - CERTIFIED solutions added since your last query OK
Updates Cancel Screen details>> What do you want to do ? Certify/Grade a solution (DVD Expert)Certify/Grade a solution Check a solution for correctness (System Administrator)Check a solution for correctness Submit an experimental solution for certification
Pending_Certifications Cancel Screen details>> You must be a qualified expert to use this screen, please provide each solution with a grade 1 DVD Expert
Type_of_Solution_to_post Cancel Screen details>> What kind of solution do you want to post ? Experimental/Non Certified Solution Certified Solution
Posting_Certified_Solutions Screen details>> You must be a qualified expert to use this screen, please fill all fields and grade each solution CancelSubmit
Posting_UnCertified_Solutions Cancel Screen details>> Please fill all fields except “Grade” Submit
Pending_IT_Clearance Transfer all clicked records to certified DB Screen details>> System Admin