Existing Non-tidal Monitoring Network
Existing Non-tidal Monitoring Network classified according to size of watershed and predominant land use upstream of site - existing sites are predominantly large or very large watersheds in predominantly rural landscapes
Each site has information for land use breakouts as well as station type and availability of long term and short term trends and status data
Proposed sites for FY11 focus on smaller watersheds in urban and agricultural watersheds with BMP implementation potential
Each proposed site has information characterizing the nature of the area being monitored, including predominant land use, watershed size, monitoring agency, whether it is located in the Coastal Plain, and anticipated cost
Proposed additions for FY12 help to fill out other areas important for monitoring progress toward the TMDL
Proposed sites FY11 and FY12 have been assessed for their potential for substantial BMP implementation
The proposed expanded network after implementation of the FY11 and FY12 additions and conversion of a few sites from Secondary to Primary