p+p J/ results from PHENIX Run-2 Hiroki Sato, Kyoto University for the PHENIX collaboration RBRC Workshop “ Current and Future Directions at RHIC ” BNL, Upton, NY Aug. 15, 2002
Heavy-flavor measurements with RHIC/PHENIX Open and bound-state heavy flavors are identified with PHENIX using their (semi-) leptonic decays J/ and e + e -, + - Open charm and open bottom Single e( ), ee, , e bb e X direct cc eX RHIC: s=200GeV
J/ production in p+p collisions at s = 200 GeV The highest energy measurement of the total cross section Discriminate theoretical models for the production mechanism Reference point for Au+Au data s dependence of the J/ total cross section with previous lower-energy experiments
Theoretical models for the J/ production Color-Evaporation Model (CEM) “Ignore” color and other quantum numbers of a cc pair Certain fraction (free parameter) of all produced cc pairs form each charmonium Color-Single Model (CSM) Non-Relativistic (small v c ) QCD Only a cc pair with the color-singlet state and the same quantum numbers can form each charmonium No free parameter Cross section disagrees with Tevatron data Color-Octet Model (COM) Different state of a cc pair (including color-octet states) can form a charmonium with (a) soft gluon emission(s). Color-octet matrix elements are extracted from data still in controversial Polarization of the high-p T J/ disagrees with Tevatron data
The PHENIX Detector in Run-2 Central Arms to detect hadrons, electrons and photons | | < 0.35 p T > 0.2GeV/c South Muon Arm to detect muons in the forward region 1.2 < < 2.2 p tot > 2GeV/c Beam-Beam Counter (BBC) to trigger p+p interactions 3.0 < | | < 3.9 Trigger efficiency ~ 50% for p+p inelastic events Independent measurements of J/ using both e + e - channel and + - channel
RHIC Integrated p + p Luminosity RHIC delivered 700nb -1 to PHENIX After online vertex cuts, PHENIX recorded 150 nb -1 Present preliminary analysis used data from: 81 nb -1 (1.7 x 10 9 ) + - 48 nb -1 (1.0 x 10 9 ) e + e nb -1 Days PHENIX 1/1/02
The PHENIX Muon Arm Detect muons with p tot >2GeV/c, 1.2< <2.2 (South Arm) Pre-hadron-rejection with Central Magnet steel ( int ~5) Muon Tracking Chamber (MuTr) Measure momentum of muons with cathode-readout strip chambers at 3 stations inside Muon Magnet Muon Identifier (MuID) /µ separation with 5-layer sandwich of chambers (Iarocci tubes) and steel Trigger muons Successfully operated first time during Run-2 MuID MuTr Muon Magnet
Muon LVL-1 Trigger Coincidence of fired MuID planes of each “quadrant” One quadrant for “single-muon trigger” and more than one quadrant for “dimuon trigger” used for this analysis Inefficiencies from hardware dead time is 1~2% ‘Quadrant’ trigger µ MuID Quadrant
J/ + - signal Significant enhancement of unlike-sign pair in the J/ mass region Peak (3156 74 MeV/c 2 ) is consistent with J/ mass Mass width (257 75 MeV/c 2 ) is consistent with expectation further improvement is expected 36 counts in 2.5<mass<3.7GeV/c assuming same count of unlike and like-sign pairs from background (confirmed with simulation) Systematic error on the count ~10 % by changing mass cut GeV
Normalizations for the muon channel N J/ : Number of measured J/ in 1.2<y<2.2 A cc : South Muon Arm Acceptance ×reconstruction efficiency for J/ (1.2<y<2.2) µ + µ - with the ideal detector MuID : Real MuID trigger and road efficiency MuTr : Real MuTr track efficiency BBC J/ : BBC efficiency for J/ events L: Luminosity with good vertex cut (|z-vertex|<38cm) y: rapidity coverage = 1.0
MuID trigger and road efficiencies Realistic panel-by-panel efficiencies are used in simulation (obtained from minimum bias real data) Single muon trigger×road efficiency ~ 0.80 Dimuon trigger×road efficiency ~ 0.62 Systematic uncertainty (run dependence) ~ 11% Ratio (road efficiency)/(trigger ×road efficiency) is consistent with real data (~0.9) Panel efficiency (%) Number of panels
MuTr Track efficiency MuTr inefficiency is caused mainly due to dead HV and dead FEM during the run Efficiency for dimuons ~ 0.23 MuTr efficiency obtained using MuID roads is consistent with simulation except Octant-5 and Octant-7 10% systematic error is assigned from this inconsistency Run dependence is <4% Better efficiency is expected in the next Run Azimuthal angle of roads (degree) MuTr efficiency (number of roads with a track) / (number of roads) MuTr efficiency
J/ Acceptance × reconstruction efficiency with real chamber efficiencies J/ rapidity J/ p T (GeV/c) 1.2<y<2.2 = p T dependence is small Uncertainty from the unknown J/ polarization is assigned to be 10% A cc MuID MuTr
BBC efficiency and luminosity inela : p+p inelastic cross section (PYTHIA, s fit) BBC J/ : BBC efficiency for p+p J/ +X µ + µ - events p T (J/ ) dependence is small consistent with p+p J/ +X e + e - (0.75) and p+p 0 X (0.75) BBC inela : BBC efficiency for p+p inelastic events N int : Number of interaction triggers with vertex cut (|z|<38cm) simulation Real data Analysis of BBC inela inela is still in progress Assign conservative 20% error on it
Br d /dy| y=1.7 result and its uncertainties Center valueUncertainty N J/psi 36 (2.5<mass<3.7GeV/c 2 )19% (statistical) 10% (cut dependence) A cc MuID MuTr (1.2<y<2.2) 10% (J/ pol. dep., | |<0.3) 11% (MuID efficiency) 10% (MuTr efficiency) BBC J/ L 60nb -1 20% (consistency with machine value) <5% (Trigger counter efficiency) Br(J/ + - ) d J/ /dy| y=1.7. = 37 7(stat.) 11(syst.) nb PHENIX Preliminary
J/ p T distribution 1.2<y<2.2 p T distribution (shape) is consistent with PYTHIA (color-singlet model) prediction
Electron Measurement with the Central Arms Charged tracks are identified with Drift Chambers (DC) and Pad Chambers (PC1/2/3) Ring Imaging CHerenkov detector (RICH) and Electro-Magnetic Calorimeter (EMCal, i.e. PbSc/PbGl) are used to identify electrons EMCal is also used for electron/photon Trigger
Electron LVL-1 Trigger and its Efficiency EMCal 2x2 towers non- overlapping sum (threshold=0.8GeV) single electron/photon trigger Trigger efficiency for J/ is expected to Use Monte-Carlo tuned to describe single-photon efficiencies with real data well e +- 1 PMT (Tower) 2x2 EMCal 11cm
J/ e + e - Signal N J/ = 24 6 (stat.) 4 (syst.)
J/ e + e - Acceptance and Reconstruction Efficiency acc eff = Flat rapidity distribution in |y|<0.5 is assumed Uncertainties from unknown p T distribution is estimated to be 7%
Br d /dy| y = 0 result. N J/ = 24 6(stat.) 4(syst.) acc eff = run-run = 0.87 0.09 additional Run-by-Run correction factor trig = – 0.07 BBC J/ = 0.75 0.11 L = 48 10 nb -1 y = 1.0 Br(J/ e + e - ) d /dy| y = 0 =52 13 (stat.) 18 (syst.) nb PHENIX Preliminary
J/ Rapidity distribution and Total cross section Rapidity distribution is consistent with PYTHIA A global fit gives µ+µ-µ+µ- e+e-e+e- Br(J/ l + l - ) (total) = 226 36 (stat.) 79 (syst.) nb (total) = 3.8 0.6 (stat.) 1.3 (syst.) µb PHENIX Preliminary
Total Cross section compared with the Color-Evaporation Model prediction CEM Parameters are fixed by fitting low energy data Our result agrees with the CEM prediction at s=200GeV Fixed target experiments Phys. Lett. B390,323(1997)
Color-Singlet Model prediction (J/ ) in b Direct J/ 0.28 c2 decay 0.31 c1 decay 0.06 Total0.65 Other contributions will be small ( ’, b-quark) Disagrees with our result by factor ~6 PYTHIA p+p s=200GeV GRV94LO Gluon fusion only
Color-Octet Model prediction Work in progress Large uncertainties from extraction of color- octet matrix elements, charm-quark mass, PDF, and so on. Needs theorists’ help to predict Total cross section Polarization p T distribution
In Run-3 and later Much higher statistics (>10 times) leads to Measurement of the J/ polarization (spin alignment) critical test to separate CEM and COM More precise measurement of the p T slope Longitudinally polarized proton-proton collisions Double-longitudinal spin asymmetry (A LL ) of the J/ production polarized gluon density
Summary Cross section of inclusive J/ production was measured with PHENIX using both e + e - decay channel (|y|<0.35) and + - decay channel (1.2<y<2.2) in Run-2 p+p collisions at s = 200GeV Br(J/ + - ) d J/ /dy| y=1.7 = 37 7(stat.) 11(syst.) nb Br(J/ e + e - ) d J/ /dy| y=0 = 52 13(stat.) 18(syst.) nb Rapidity fit including both results gives J/ (total) = 3.8 0.6(stat.) 1.3(syst.) µb The result agrees with the Color-Evaporation model prediction and disagrees with the Color-Singlet Model prediction In Run-3, measurement of the J/ polarization and A LL is expected
J/ polarization dependence of acceptance There is J/ polarization dependence of acceptance because of intrinsic momentum cut (~2GeV/c) of the Muon Arm But there is no indication from previous experiment (both Fixed target energy and Tevatron) | | is larger than 0.3. Assign 10% systematic error assuming | | < 0.3. cos *(Gottfried-Jackson frame) cos * dependence of J/ acceptance (with real chamber efficiencies) =0 Due to momentum cut (P~2GeV/c) Quick Monte-Carlo (J/ polarization) dependence of J/ acceptance A cc MuID MuTr A cc